2. 找到Photoshop插件文件夹 (Locate the Photoshop Plugins Folder) 插件文件需要放置在Photoshop的插件文件夹中。以下是找到该文件夹的步骤: Windows用户: 打开文件资源管理器。 导航到以下路径: C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Adobe Photoshop [版本]\\Plug-ins Mac用户: 打开Finder。 导航到以下路径: Applications/...
Can you post a screen-clip of the { C:\Program files \ Google \ Nik collection } folders with sub-folders expanded and visible? It should look something like this- Regards. My System: Lightroom-Classic 13.4, Photoshop 25.11, ACR 16.4, Lightroom 7.4.1, Lr-iOS 9.0.1, Bridge 14....
2、Nik Collection Nik Collection 也是业内最受欢迎的 PS 插件之一,这是一个系列插件,包含7大组件,分别针对 Lightroom 和 Photoshop,每个组件都可以独立运行,相互搭配之下能够进行非常系统、精细的图片修整操作。Nik Collection 包含下面7个组件: Analog Efex Pro:制作胶片质感和经典的照片效果 Color Efex Pro:色彩矫...
【Photoshop降噪滤镜插件noiseware v5.07】 Photoshop降噪滤镜插件:noiseware v5.07下载 1.50MB 查看详情 【Nik Collection v5.3.0,ps调色插件,Nik Collection v5.3.0中文免费版】 Nik Collection v5.3.0(ps调色插件)中文免费版下载 732.42MB 查看详情 【ps图像美化磨皮插件,Portraiture v2.34汉化注册版,Portraiture ...
j2k 是免費的 Photoshop 與 After Effects 增效模組組件,可用於讀寫 JPEG 的後繼檔案格式 JPEG 2000。 Google Nik Collection注意:DXO 已收購 Nik Collection,並且已發行新版本。 注意:Google 不再針對其 Nik Collection 相關版本提供下載連結。對於最新作業系統和硬體上的最新版 Photoshop,Google 亦已不再支援或更新...
Cartoon Maker - Clone是一款Photoshop智能插件,可轻松创建惊人的卡通人物肖像效果。该插件将使您有机会成为数字艺术家,无需特殊的Photoshop或绘图技能即可创建卡通和漫画。只需安装。只需单击几下即可使用该插件。易于使用。只需打开您的照片,然后单击创建按钮即可。有趣的定制。使用漫画预设来改善卡通效果。非常适合社交...
has a special menu entry to install/reinstall the plugins into Photoshop and puts it into (text continues below image, btw: is there a possibility to resize the images in this forum editor?) this folder... …I restarted, it's there but it also does no longer start that plugin. I ...
JPEG til RAW AI Bruk maskinlæring til å konvertere JPEG til RAW av høy kvalitet for bedre redigering. Forhindre båndeffekt, fjern kompresjonsartefakter, gjenopprett detaljer og forbedre dynamisk område. Mask AIMed Mask AI-teknologi for maskinlæring og enkel trimap-teknikk kan...
A Google search for "Portable NIK" only gave me scam sites! The only download you can trust is direct from DXO https://nikcollection.dxo.com/ Regards. My System: Lightroom-Classic 13.4, Photoshop 25.11, ACR 16.4, Lightroom 7.4.1, Lr-iOS 9.0.1, Bridge 14.1.2, Windows-11. An Unex...
Gigapixel has NEVER worked as a plugin in Photoshop or Affinity Oh yeah I know it doesn't work all too well, and sorry if it sounded like I'm conflating the two - I'm fully aware that they're different products from the same company. But Gigapixel ...