1.连接到数据库后,用命令 SHOW PLUGINS 查看插件列表 可以看到插件【mysql_native_password】的状态为【DISABLED】 我们的需要将其状态改为【ACTIVE】,修改步骤在后面。 2.找到配置文件 my.ini 进行修改 配置文件位置举例:C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.4\my.ini 在my.ini最后一行添加: mysql_native_passwor...
你遇到的错误是由于 MySQL 版本不再默认支持mysql_native_password认证插件导致的。从 MySQL 8.0 开始,默认的认证插件是caching_sha2_password,而不是mysql_native_password。 解释: 错误ERROR 1524 (HY000): Plugin 'mysql_native_password' is not loaded表示 MySQL 中没有加载或支持mysql_native_password插件。 从...
输入正确的用户名和密码,应该不再出现报错plugin 'mysql_native_password' is not loaded。 注意:在更新MySQL客户端之前,请备份你的数据库和相关数据,以防止数据丢失。 总结 在使用Windows系统中的MySQL时,如果遇到报错plugin 'mysql_native_password' is not loaded,可以尝试修改MySQL用户的身份验证插件或更新MySQL客户...
进入mysql,执行如下代码即可 ALTERUSER'root'@'localhost'IDENTIFIEDBY'password'PASSWORD EXPIRE NEVER;ALTERUSER'root'@'localhost'IDENTIFIEDWITHmysql_native_passwordBY'password'; ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password'; 注意这里的password是你自己变更之后的密码!
通常,mysql_native_password插件是MySQL默认安装的插件之一。如果你发现该插件未安装,可能是因为你的MySQL安装不完整或配置有误。你可以尝试重新安装MySQL或修复MySQL安装。 4. 安装或启用mysql_native_password插件 如果你的MySQL版本确实支持mysql_native_password插件,但插件未启用,你可以尝试通过以下命令启用它(注意:某...
Sequel Ace Version: 2.1.8 macOS Version: 10.15.6 MySQL Version: 8.0.1 Description Connecting to our MySQL 8 DB using LDAP. Keep getting this error "MySQL said: Authentication plugin 'mysql_clear_password' cannot be loaded: plugin not ena...
Can't connect over SSL to MySQL. Connection Error Authentication plugin 'mysql_clear_password' cannot be loaded: plugin not enabled
Description:When trying to log into any PAM authenticated servers I get the following error: Authentication plugin 'mysql_clear_password' cannot be loaded: plugin not enabled. Seems it's not checking for the environment variable "LIBMYSQL_ENABLE_CLEARTEXT_PLUGIN". These same servers connect via PAM...
or when trying to connect to an existing connection you are shown a modal with the error "Your connection attempt failed for <user> to the MySQL server at <IP Address>:<Port>: Authentication PLugin '' cannot be loaded. The specific module could not be found"How to repeat:Create a new ...
登录非匿名账户提示’Plugin ‘***’ is not loaded’. 解决办法 1.开启无密码登录 修改mysql.cnf 在 [mysqld]下添加skip-grant-tables 2 .sudo service mysqld restart 重启mysql服务. 3. 现在就可以登录了。登录root账户执行以下语句. use mysql;updateusersetauthentication_string=PASSWORD("")whereUser='...