<keyboard-shortcut first-keystroke="control alt A" second-keystroke="C" keymap="$default"/> <mouse-shortcut keystroke="control button3 doubleClick" keymap="$default"/> </action> <!-- All of the following menu groups add the action PopupDialogAction to menus in different ways. Note that ...
A unique identifier of the plugin. It should be a fully qualified name similar to Java packages and must not collide with the ID of existing plugins. The ID is a technical value used to identify the plugin in the IDE andJetBrains Marketplace. Please use characters, numbers, and'.'/'-'/...
-- The "Mac OS X 10.5+" keymap and its children will have only this keyboard shortcut for this action. --><keyboard-shortcutkeymap="Mac OS X 10.5+"first-keystroke="control alt G"second-keystroke="C"replace-all="true"/><mouse-shortcutkeymap="$default"keystroke="control button3 ...
mouse notomo/gesture.nvim : is a mouse gesture plugin for Neovim windows anuvyklack/windows.nvim : make the current window automatically bigger beauwilliams/focus.nvim : Splits/Window Management Enhancements for Neovim blueyed/vim-diminactive : dim inactive windows camspiers/animate.vim : A ...
To find out which segment is not working it may help to enable the debug setting in ~/.config/tmux-powerline/config.sh. However this may not be enough to determine the error so you can inspect all executed bash commands (will be a long output) by doing bash -x powerline.sh (left|...
vue/,// .vue (vue-loader with experimentalInlineMatchResource enabled)/\.md$/,// .md],// global imports to registerimports:[// presets'vue','vue-router',// custom{'@vueuse/core':[// named imports'useMouse',// import { useMouse } from '@vueuse/core',// alias['useFetch','use...
plugin for openseadragon image viewer. this plugin adds the ability to select regions of the image by mouse gestures. installation $ npm i openseadragon-select-plugin Working Demo Usage Include openseadragon-select-plugin after OpenSeadragon in your file. ...
I am new to ios development. I have created an app with phonegap its working fine with android. But for IOS its not working. I have installed all the plugins. Right now i am testing the camera plugin. But its showing the following error. ...
(This is useful, for example where a non-working sensor, for example, generates a wildly out of range value) Label Margin, Angle, Low Side Margin and High Side Margin - these too are duplicates of controls on the Layout tab, again, for convenience. Tooltips enables the mouse over info ...
☆ Fix - Counter tags not working properly. Plugin Update PV https://youtu.be/2lImJBgrebU 2023/07/31 Tool Version 1.2.0 ★ Add - Jump Tool to editor! ☆ Fix - issue with move tool clicking points when mouse out of editor. ☆ Fix - issue with clicking scroll bar. Plugin Version ...