🌐 ExportX 2.1 Release | Compress and Upload, All in One Go! Export, compress, and upload Figma images, all with just a click on “ExportX” Support for direct image upload to your CDN image hosting, such as AmazonS3, Cloudflare R2, and more For your convenience, we provide a free...
The most popular mockup plugin. Top 10 among all plugins in Figma Community with over 520,000 installs thanks to awesome features: Huge resolution and best quality mockups There are huge images that are suitable for any type of media from web to print. Thanks to 6k resolution Big library ...
In Figma Design, I write a whitespace character on a position of text expected to be changed dynamically. So that, Amplify UI Builder generate a component with empty innerText. I can override the "children" attribute of this component and can change displayed text. In this way, I can genera...
Similar tofigma.pluginIdbut for widgets. The value specified in themanifest.json"id" field. This only exists for Widgets. editorType: 'figma' | 'figjam' | 'dev' | 'slides'[readonly] The current editor type this plugin is running in. See alsoSetting editor type. ...
When you import or paste layers from Figma, assets will be created automatically for any image layers or vector icons. When you copy and paste a design with images, the images are uploaded to Webflow’s Assets panel. Make sure you have the correct site selected in the Choose Webflow site ...
When you import or paste layers from Figma, assets will be created automatically for any image layers or vector icons. When you copy and paste a design with images, the images are uploaded to Webflow’sAssets panel. Make sure you have the correct site selected in theChoose Webflow sitedropdo...
UXPin’s plugin for Figma helps you turn static Figma designs into interactive prototypes. that behave like an end-product. The plugin is free to use, but it needs to be installed in Figma. After clicking Command+V in UXPin (or Control+V), you can paste your Figma design to UXPin. ...
🍱 Material Icons for Figma Supercharge your Figma designs with the most comprehensive Material Icons plugin! A powerful and completely free Figma plugin that brings the entire Material Icons library to your fingertips. Seamlessly drag and drop icons into your designs and boost your workflow! ✨...
Magician (Figma) Features Magician for Figmais an AI-powered design tool specifically designed for Figma users, offering creative and efficient features. Key features and advantages include: Magic features: Text to Icon, Copywriting, Text to Image, Magic Icon, Magic Copy, Magic Image, and more ...
資深網頁設計師推薦的 Figma 外掛清單,大幅提升網頁視覺設計過程的執行效率、團隊協作的順暢、降低時間與跨部門的溝通成本,而且外掛的免費版本通常就夠用了!完全適用對象為網頁設計師、UIUX 設計師或本來就是用來專案管理、腦力激盪發想、行銷工作的使用者等