#Cloning repository.$ git clone https://github.com/FancyMcPlugins/FancyNpcs.git#Entering cloned repository.$cdFancyNpcs#Compiling and building artifacts.$ gradlew shadowJar#Once successfully built, plugin .jar can be found in /build/libs directory. ...
Citizens - the premier plugin and API for creating server-side NPCs in Minecraft. citizensnpcs.co Topics javaminecraftspigotminecraft-pluginnpccitizenspapermccitizens-plugin Resources Readme License OSL-3.0 license Activity Custom properties Stars
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如果你正确的做了所有的事情,Miner就会把你当做“旅行者”欢迎你,第二次跟他讲话,他就会带着你的Minecraft昵称欢迎你~ 这应该是你现在配置文件的样子,你可以检查一下配置错误:first: first_greeting,regular_greetingNPC_options: first_greeting: text: Hi there, traveler! condition: '!has_met_miner' event:...
Improved support for JSON tags in configs, including skulls from sites like minecraft-heads.com Some improvements to automata spawners, including range-based leashing General improvements to admin commands for NPC and Automata management Player disguises will be applied twice as a hacky work-around to...