I'm trying to connect my guitar to my computer through the integrated microphone/speaker jack on the right side of the x220. When I do, however, it detects that a new playback device is plugged in, rather than a recording one. The recording device labeled right-...
Guitarandbassplayers can join the actionbypluggingdirectly to the DR-880's guitar/bass input jack,andplaying through the built-in COSM [...] tomleemusic.com.hk tomleemusic.com.hk 結他手及低音結他手可把他們的樂器直接與DR-880連接,使用當中的COSM技術模擬各廠品牌的擴音器音色。
I loved that my mum would dance and swing me around to the big guitar strums. I will admit, I’m still into more lyrical, dare I say even “folksy” artists – Joni Mitchell being the be-all end-all. I guess I am such a wordwhore that the poetry and ballad-like stanzas that cou...