Null-text Inversion for Editing Real Images using Guided Diffusion 还有,他的文本编辑还是类似一种“风格转换”的形式,并不是真正意义上的编辑。因为它的新图重度依赖模板图的语义。如果是人变成青蛙,那肯定直接失败了。 我觉得它最大的亮点是不需要提供对于模板图片描述的 prom...
在这项工作中,我们利用预训练的文本条件隐式扩散模型(Latent Diffusion Model, LDM),又名 Stable Diffusion [36],其中,扩散过程应用于预训练图像自动编码器的潜空间。该模型基于 U-Net 架构 [37],以引导提示P为条件。U-Net 的层包括残差块(residual block)、自注意块(self-attention block,)和交叉注意块(cross...
深度生成模型系列-4.2 分数匹配与扩散模型 Score-matching & Diffusion Generative Models. 统一perspective 2183 1 Score-based Generative Modeling of Graphs via the System of SDE 统一perspective 2406 0 基于薛定谔桥的生成模型 Generative Modeling via Schrodinger Bridge with Prof. Huyen Pham 统一perspective ...
In this paper, we present a new framework that takes text-to-image synthesis to the realm of image-to-image translation -- given a guidance image and a target text prompt, our method harnesses the power of a pre-trained text-to-image diffusion model to generate a new image that complies...
To plug-and-play diffusion features, please follow these steps: Setup Feature extraction Running PnP TI2I Benchmarks Setup Our codebase is built onCompVis/stable-diffusionand has shared dependencies and model architecture. Creating a Conda Environment ...
Plug-and-Play Diffusion Features for Text-Driven Image-to-Image Translation Narek Tumanyan∗ Michal Geyer∗ Shai Bagon Tali Dekel Weizmann Institute of Science Project webpage: Input Real Image "a photo of a bronze "A ...
Plug-and-Play Diffusion Features 论文笔记:
Diffusion models as plug-and-play priors. NIPS, 2022.概有了先验分布 p(x)p(x) (用一般的扩散模型去拟合), 我们总是像添加一些约束, 即希望从条件概率分布 p(x|y)p(x|y) 中采样. 作者在这里讨论的范围要更大, 只需给定一些约束 c(x,y)c(x,y) 即可....
We consider the problem of inferring high-dimensional datain a model that consists of a priorand an auxiliary differentiable constraintongiven some additional information. In this paper, the prior is an independently trained denoising diffusion generative model. The auxiliary constraint is expected to ...
Specialist Diffusion: Plug-and-Play Sample-Efficient Fine-Tuning of Text-to-Image Diffusion Models to Learn Any Unseen Style Haoming Lu1∗, Hazarapet Tunanyan1∗, Kai Wang2, Shant Navasardyan1, Zhangyang Wang1,3, Humphrey Shi1,2 1Pics...