启动3ds Max 时,出现类似于以下内容的插件程序集加载错误 (Autodesk.Max.Wrappers.dll): Plug-in Assembly Load Error The assembly "Autodesk.Max.Wrappers.dll" encountered an error while loading. It is possible that this error put the application in a...
1、基于pc系统的低配置要求 ;2、安装插件(plUGins)可提供3D studio Max所没有的功能(比如说3Ds Max ...
我用的是2014版本,最新版2016也有这问题,另外试了下安装14的补丁包,没用,问题依旧。刚刚看到国外论坛里说也可以把Wrappers.dll移动到stdplug里面,试验一下提示框确是没有了。转帖回来分享给你吧。原帖:It appears this error message is due to a bug in theAutodesk.Max.Wrappers.dll where t...
Full Error: System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max Design 2015\bin\assemblies\NestedLayerManager.dll' or one of its dependencies. The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest. File name: 'file:///C:\Program Fil...
跪求 有没有大佬知道..跪求 有没有大佬知道max打开后的“plug-in assembly load error”怎么解决 这个问题已经空扰了我好几天 我相信肯定还有其他人也遇到过这类问题 求大佬解决一下 我的是18的 1
Hi I have big problem with my 3dmax somebody help me, when I launch 3ds I have Error Plug-In Assembly, (attach jpg) Plug-in Assembly Load Error when
有没有大佬知道202..跪求 有没有大佬知道max打开后的“plug-in assembly load error”怎么解决 这个问题已经空扰了我好几天 我相信肯定还有其他人也遇到过这类问题 求大佬解决一下 我之前用2015
2016 Plug-in Assembly Load Error I'm having the same error. I tried to reset the user interface using the link, but my user file doesn't have the subfolders that are described. I'm using 3ds 2016 and have installed the SPs and EXTs recently so that maybe adding to the issue. I ...
本地部署Microsoft Dynamics CRM 9.0正常可用,后打补丁到9.0.16.7,打开系统quote报 “ Unable to Load plug-in assembly” 错误(打商机opportunity窗体时也会报“Assembly content(Microsoft.Dynamics.Sales.Plugins, Version= does not match the expected assembly identity (Microsoft.Dynamics.Sales.Plugins,...
这个是官方的一些解决方案,应该有的,网址http://bbs.chicg.com/read.php?tid=42 ...