devices that Microsoft does not have drivers for. Neither of these communications is under the direct control of Plug and Play. The CDM handles all of the communication between the computer and Windows Update. None of the communication between the computer and the Internet uniquely identifies the ...
Use Plug and Play as a noun or an adjective to refer to a set of specifications developed by Intel for the automatic configuration of a computer so that it works with various peripheral devices. Note capitalization. Don't hyphenate.It
微软的Windows系统提供了一项名为"随插随用"(Plug and Play, 简称PNP)的服务,它允许用户在几乎无须干预的情况下,计算机能够自动识别并适应硬件设备的更改。PNP的核心理念是简化硬件安装过程,使用户无需专门配置就能享受新设备带来的便利。启用PNP服务后,当您插入新的硬件设备,系统会自动识别并进行驱...
Plug and Play (PnP) is the part of Windows that enables a computer system to adapt to hardware changes with minimal intervention by the user. A user can add and remove devices without having to do manual configuration, and without knowledge of computer hardware. For example, a user can dock...
NBF is Plug and Play–aware and can support all network adapters complying with the IEEE specifications that are currently on the market. For more information about Plug and Play, see "Windows 2000 Networking Architecture" in the TCP/IP Core Networking Guide .中文...
The UPnP Application Programming Interface (API) consists of a set of Component Object Model (COM) interfaces used to find and control UPnP devices.The Universal Plug and Play API enables developers to write applications that search for and control UPnP devices....
Microsoft. “With Universal Plug and Play, one of our top priorities is leveraging existing industry standards like XML and HTML to simplify the creation of spontaneous networks. The groundwork being demonstrated today provides a glimpse of how new applications for networking techn...
When a user inserts a smart card into a smart card reader on a computer that is running Windows 7, Windows 7 tries to download and install the smart card minidrivers for the card by using Plug and Play services. If ...
Plug and Play 服务在 Windows Server 2003 和 Windows XP 上安装并配置为自动运行。无法通过 MCC 服务管理单元停止或禁用该服务,因为会造成操作系统不稳定。如果使用 MSCONFIG 故障排除工具并停止该服务,设备管理器界面将呈现空白,其中不显示硬件设备。参阅
获取IInkTablet 对象的即插即用标识符的字符串表示形式。 此属性为只读。 语法 C++ 复制 HRESULT get_PlugAndPlayId( BSTR *Id ); 参数 Id 返回值 无 备注 属性值基于 HIDD_ATTRIBUTESProductID 成员。 平板电脑设备的制造商负责添加此字符串。 如果平板电脑设备没有标识符,则属性值为空。 注意 在某些消息...