Plug and Play 致力于在投资、创业加速、企业创新服务、创新咨询等层面立体化帮助创业企业成长,专注开放式创新,并与大企业、城市、大学等展开深度创新生态合作。
"Plug and Play总部位于美国硅谷,是一家国际化的创新平台,通过加速计划、企业创新服务和风险投资帮助加快科技创新的进程。自2006年成立以来,已经遍布全球28个城市,为硅谷及世界各地的创业公司提供资源支持。已携手超过6000家创业公司和2...查看更多 机构特写 暂无内容 ...
With the Audi connect plug and play app, you always have the latest information about your vehicle at your fingertips. Connecting you. Informing you. Ensuring you know more, every day. Perfectly connecting mobility and everyday life. Do you want to use a digital logbook, optimise your driving...
Explore the universe of Plug & Play, an interactive animation drawn by Michael Frei and coded by Mario von Rickenbach. An unashamedly surreal play with plugs. R…
Plug and Play is a free universal smart home APP. It allows you to remote control and manage your favorite smart devices of different brands in a single App. It supports to monitor real-time device status, set different timing tasks, share control and set scene to trigger on/off. ...
在本文中,Plug and Play将介绍来自全球20个国家的107家女性科技初创公司,分为11个不同的类别,包括生育治疗服务、月经周期跟踪、电子商务、女性特定疾病、更年期、怀孕、营养、在线医疗护理、产后护理、避孕和尿失禁治疗。 18家提供生育治疗服务的初创公司
Plug & Play – Mesh Repeater Extends the range of Casambi networksThe Mesh Repeater allows you to extend the range of the Casambi Bluetooth Mesh network. The adapter plug enables a quick and easy start-up. The product is Casambi Ready and therefore compatible with all Casambi operated lights ...
Plug-and-Play-Laden Nachdem der Ladestecker in den Ladeanschluss eines Fahrzeugs eingesteckt wurde, startet und beendet die Wallbox automatisch den Ladevorgang. Vorkehrungen Um das Plug-and-Play-Laden zu verwenden, deaktivieren Sie die Funktion Zugangskontrolle, was zu einem nicht autorisierten...
This is a piano you can play with the arrow keys. It was created using Scratch, an easy-to-use graphical programming language, so you can remix it and make your own version. Patatap Patatap is a portable animation and sound kit. This app works with all the letter keys, so you'll ...
近日在Plug and Play 中国品牌战略发布暨五周年庆典上,徐洁平告诉钛媒体App:"五年前,中国创投市场处于早期阶段,一时兴起的孵化器、众创空间大多是依靠地方政府的资金和政策的支持,通过"二房东+物业"的模式来经营,这其实是Plug and Play在 1.0阶段就在做的事。事实证明,这种模式并非长久之计。" ...