This novel technology, named here as Thermal Plug and Abandonment (TP&A), proposes a chemical mixture that would be introduced through the production tube or the steel casing. Then, this mixture is ignited and the exothermic reaction generates enough heat to melt the wellbore components. After ...
Plugging an oil well is a common cementing operation practised for a variety of reasons, for example, to sidetrack above a fish (equipment lost in the hole), to initiate directional drilling in a weak formation, to plug back a zone or a complete well for abandonment, to cure a lost circ...
the zonal isolation device may be run as a bridge plug in a temporary abandonment procedure in order to allow for a cost effective retrieval procedure if the well is reopened. Further, the zonal isolation device100,300may be a permanent tool, a recoverable tool, or a disposable tool, and ...
The mass is impervious and the abandonment procedure is complete. The plug can be bare or it can have layers above such as cement to protect the plug from molten temperatures until the mass cools sufficiently and solidifies.GRANT F. SMITH...
This work presents a hybrid analytical/numerical approach for transient heat conduction through composite hollow cylinder structures applied for Plug and Abandonment (P&A). The Distribution Transfer Function Method (DTFM) is a mathematical framework able to solve both nonhomogeneous boundary conditions and...
The mass is impervious and the abandonment procedure is complete. The plug can be bare or it can have layers above such as cement to protect the plug from molten temperatures until the mass cools sufficiently and solidifies.Grant F. Smith...