Price look-up codes made easy 🍉 4032 🍌 4011 🍇 4023 Data cleaned up from the International Federation of Produce Standards Installation Add this line to your application’s Gemfile: gem "plu" Getting Started List known PLUs PLU.all Get name from PLU # Bananas Chec...
PLU Codes DatabaseRatings and Reviews 3.0out of 5 13 Ratings JamieMadrox1985,06/01/2021 This App helps A LOT with my job. Very useful because its hard to remember so many PLU for produce and I need them to do my produce order efficiently. It would be awesome if you could somehow add...
Those little round stickers with numbers that shoppers often see on produce items such as apples, bananas, and oranges (as shown in the image displayed above) are Price Look-Up (PLU) numbering codes for fresh, unprocessed produce items. These codes are administered by the International Federation...