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Amy Ellis– Rights and Licensing Manager,Publishers’ Licensing ServicesAmy is responsible for managing the growth of PLS Permissions service. She ensures the service is running smoothly for all users and stays in line with industry needs. She also contributes to the future development of...
Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article Prakhar, P., Jaiswal, R., Gupta, S. et al. How can we improve entrepreneurial dynamics in electric vehicle manufacturing for a sustainable future: insights using a deep learning-based hybrid PLS-SEM-ANN approach. Int Entrep Manag J...
Sections Figures References Abstract Introduction Research framework Data and methods Results and discussion Conclusions Data availability References Acknowledgements Author information Ethics declarations Additional information Supplementary information Rights and permissions About this article AdvertisementHumanities...
hi, i need to merge two cells but after that i must delete original version, i used function but it dont work what to do?
I want to create a PT example to demonstrate an issue and a possible solution. But sigh, I know nothing about PTs. I know: I should take the time to learn. But every time I try (not very hard; si... JoeUser2004 I did your first PT. It was so easy, I'm not sure what your...
Given the data set, it is clear that any separation of the data found by any method is merely occurring fortuitously. When we have at least twice as many features as samples, PLS-DA readily finds a hyperplane that perfectly separates both merely by chance. As shown in Fig. 2, the two ...
Nature Methods News & Views 02 Jul 2018 Sections Figures References Abstract References Acknowledgements Author information Ethics declarations Additional information Integrated supplementary information Supplementary information Rights and permissions About this article This article is cited by AdvertisementNature...
An additional example refers to the indicators connected to the Pinto Law risk proceedings. No clear findings can be drawn concerning the indicator connected to pending cases potentially involved in Pinto Law. Nevertheless, monitoring the ultra-triennial pending proceedings that could potentially become ...
Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article Lê Cao, KA., Boitard, S. & Besse, P. Sparse PLS discriminant analysis: biologically relevant feature selection and graphical displays for multiclass problems. BMC Bioinformatics 12, 253 (2011).