divinylbenzene, there is no thermal instability up to 200 °C.The column is therefore ideally suited for use at elevated temperature or for temperature gradient analysis, and enables temperature to be used as an additional variable to alter selectivity.There is no change in selectivity due to dec...
Agilent/安捷伦 适BioHPLC 的快速保护柱 生物分子分离液相分析柱 ¥ 1985.00 舒美KQ3200DB超声波清洗器 6L薄膜五金除油污清洗机实验室超声仪 ¥ 1832.00 SP-LZP-950气相色谱分析柱SP column分析柱 DBS52/ 021-2016白酒中甲醇 醇类和酯类测定 ¥ 7380.00 奥特赛恩斯AS7240B型 7升大容量超声仪器 液晶型...
Studies of both intact and fragment levels of mAbs were carried out to understand the performance of thepolymeric column. The results demonstrate the superior separation performance of the column, and its suitability for routine LC/MS analysis of mAbs and ADC.Suresh Babu C.V...
This application note developed an RPLC method based on the excellent performance of the Agilent 1290 Infinity II Bio LC System combined with the PEEK-lined Agilent PLRP-S column. By analyzing the reduced heavy and light chains of ...
divinylbenzene, there is no thermal instability up to 200 °C.The column is therefore ideally suited for use at elevated temperature or for temperature gradient analysis, and enables temperature to be used as an additional variable to alter selectivity.There is no change in selectivity due to dec...
The correct choice of reverse-phase column and method is critical to achieve fast analysis times and reproducible high- resolution separations. In this presentation we have evaluated the performance of polymeric and silica based reversed phase chromatography for mAb analysis using LC/MS. Different ...
PL1952-1502 PL-WAX 1000A 5UM 50X2.1MM PL1952-1503 PL-WAX 4000A 5UM 50X2.1MM PL1999-1001 PL-SCX 4000A 8um 50X4.6 SANOFI AVENTIS PL1999-1001SA PACKING CHARGE PER 50X4.6MM. OBSOLETE PL1999-9971 REPAIR TO ANALYTICAL GPC COLUMN PL1999-9981 CONTRACT ANALYSIS GPC上...
PL1999-9971REPAIR TO ANALYTICAL GPC COLUMN PL1999-9981CONTRACT ANALYSIS GPC 收藏该商铺 X 该信息已收藏! 查看我的收藏夹设置标签 标签: 添加 保存成功 (空格分隔,最多3个,单个标签最多10个字符) 常用: 提示 X 您的留言已提交成功!我们将在第一时间回复您~ ...