一种方法是在绘制图形之前,先保存你的数据点到一个变量中,然后你可以通过访问这个变量来查看具体的XY坐标值。例如,如果你有一组X值和一组Y值,你可以这样做:```matlab 假设X和Y是你的数据点 X = 1:10; % 从1到10的整数 Y = X.^2; % Y是X的平方 绘制图形 plot(X, Y);现在,如果...
在MATLAB中,可以使用plot命令在当前坐标轴上绘制点,线和区域。plot函数默认将坐标轴设置为最大可能范围,即从最小值到最大值,但是可以通过更改xlim和ylim参数来更改坐标轴的长度。 首先,需要了解要绘制的图形的坐标范围,以便自定义坐标轴的长度。例如,如果要绘制从-2到4的线,那么坐标轴的长度应该设置为-2到4。为...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 Hi all I'm trying to plot two functions (throughput and delay) of the variable n against each other, i.e. throughput as y and delay as the x axis. I have the following line of code: 테마복사 tput_vs_delay = plotxy(tput, delay) But ...
2. You first error message comes from the internals of a "XY Graph" block. You could look under the mask to understand wher it is coming from. The block is expecting scalar inputs (for each time step). It looks the are not. The problem is however the block is not visible in your ...
1. x轴坐标逆向排列,可以使用set(gca,'XDir','rev')命令;2. 由于这个坐标轴标签未涉及到字符串,可以直接设置一下标签的位置就行了,然后可以了。如下所示:x1=[17,16,12,10,9,6,5,4,3,2,1];y1=[1,2,3,4,5,6,9,10,12,16,17];plot(x1,y1,'k.-');axis([1 17 1 17]...
目标-在Matlab中利用XYZ数据的散乱创建一个平面表面。目标是找到一个最能代表大部分点的平面,然后将它与XY平面对齐,以便从中提取信息。X是第一列 这个平面几乎是平坦的,但我需要“平均平面”与XY平面完全对齐, 浏览3提问于2016-09-27得票数 0 2回答 矩形多边形的深度分类,模型轴面的所有部分 、、 在...
It would be very easy to make it fully compatible with more recent Matlab versions, but this would imply distributing Mathworks’ libraries along with PlotXY executable, which is against its philosophy. The program Matlab reading software, was indeed directly coded in C language. It can also ...
Using the Simulink® Editor or the MATLAB® Command Window, change the Initial value parameter of the Initial Velocity block to 25. Then, simulate the model. Get set_param("ex_sldemo_bounce/Initial Velocity",'Value','25') sim('ex_sldemo_bounce'); The Simulation Data Inspector moves...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 Do you mean y = x^3? If so, first pick a range for x, then calculate y, then plot it. E.g., 테마복사 x = 0:0.1:3; % From 0 to 3 in increments of 0.1 y = x.^3; % Element-wise power uses .^ plot(x,y) 댓글 수: 0 ...