Thanks Grant, very helpfull. The problem is that i see squares changing color, and i can't fin out how to make it smoother. One solution is changing the programming for getting those matrices from 5x5 to 10x10, but i get so much data if i do th...
Drawing Multiple Functions on the Same Graph You can draw multiple graphs on the same plot. The following example demonstrates the concept − Example Create a script file and type the following code − x=[0:0.01:10];y=sin(x);g=cos(x);plot(x,y,x,g,'.-'),legend('Sin(x)','Co...
Tks you for answers, I see that to create the plot with 4 or more y-axes requires time with the indicated functions.
MATLAB Online에서 열기 Ran in: Hi , I want to plot 2 fitting graphs on the same plot, i tried to use hold on , but it doesn't work here is the code the one that ( with large scale of noise =5 on the same figure with large scale of noise =10) ...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 ylim(hAxL);% match up ylim to scale same is a "do nothing" statement--w/o a return value it would just echo the existing limits to screen but the semicolon suppresses the output... Also plot(o_optode_mean1,1:...
matlab Plotting linwidth plot(t_nor,m60,'-o','LineWidth',2); greek letter in plot label ylabel ('\it \omega_x','fontsize' ,20,'fontname','Symbol'); side by side code %%%%%%%%%% %author: guiofei , kaiming HIT%%%%%%%%%%%clear;...
label the axes, and the title function sets the title of the plot. I also adjusted the plot settings using axis equal to ensure equal scaling on all axes and view to set the viewing angle for better visualization. Now, by running this code in MATLAB, you ...
plot(t,count), legend('Location 1','Location 2','Location 3','Location','NorthWest') xlabel('Time'), ylabel('Vehicle Count') title('Traffic Counts at Three Intersections') See Also Related Topics Types of MATLAB Plots Why did you choose this rating?Submit ...
MultipleY-Axes Statistics 3-Dplots AdditionalResources BasicOverview Tousethe‘plot’functioninMatlab,youshouldfirstmakesurethatthematrices/vectorsyouaretryingtouseareofequaldimensions.Forexample,ifIwantedtoplotvectorX=[3927]overtime,myvectorfortimewouldalsoneedtobea1x3vector(i.e.t=[123]). Syntax Toplot...
定义函数, y = f(x) 调用plot 命令,如下 plot(x, y) 下面的实例将演示这个概念。让我们绘制一个简单的函数y=x,x的取值范围为0到100,增量为5。 创建一个脚本文件并输入以下代码- x = [0:5:100]; y = x; plot(x, y) 运行文件时,MATLAB显示以下图-让...