Hi Given a limited set of (x,y) points, I am supposed to plot the graph by interpolating so that the graph is a smooth one... Is there any APIs for it ? any links or suggestions will be highly appreciated.Thank youReply Answers (1) ...
Currently, i am viewing the output in the comand line.My goal is to view the data output in ASP page as a table and at the same time, plot that data along side a table output. Any help?Reply Answers (3) ASP.Net Forms problems help as soon as possible test my c# chat in the ...
Interpreting graphs Sketching graphs Graph transformationsPlotting graphs examplesExample 1: straight-line graph in the form y = mx + c Complete the table of values for y=2x+3y=2x+3y=2x+3 and then on the grid draw the graph of y=2x+3:y=2x+3:y=2x+3: Find the coordinates. We need...
In response to your first question, to confirm if you are getting the right figure after using the "z=peak();" function in your code, you can employ various methods. One common approach is to visually inspect the output or result generated by the function to see if it aligns with your ...
I have c# windows form application which displays the real time data from a board. I want to plot this data in a point graph in c#. Help me with this. I have given my code below which displays the data from board.namespace flowboard_v2 { public partial class flow_click : Form {...
I have c# windows form application which displays the real time data from a board. I want to plot this data in a point graph in c#. Help me with this. I have given my code below which displays the data from board.namespace flowboard_v2 { public partial class flow_click : Form { ...
Y Values – can be a worksheet address or defined name, or a literal array such as {1,2,3}. In this example it’s a worksheet address, Sheet1!$C$3:$C$19. Plot Order – an integer, in this case 2. Generally, to parse the series formula, you first need to strip off everythin...
Ran in: Hi , I want to plot 2 fitting graphs on the same plot, i tried to use hold on , but it doesn't work here is the code the one that ( with large scale of noise =5 on the same figure with large scale of noise =10) ...
And the graph looks like: Just wondering how to go about making a differentiated version of the graph as well (E.G. rate of change over temperature)? The examples for plotting derivatives I have tried working with all deal with two or three numbers, and nothing this big and nested, hence...
% 'ctitle',<ctitle> :set curve label to <ctitle> in legend % 'noleg' :do not show curve in legend % 'clear' :clear plot and reset curve counter % 'graph',0 :do not plot this curve, i.e. neglect this function call % 'jet',<ncolor> :use matlab's jet colormap with ...