MATLAB Online에서 열기 Ran in: There are a couple of issues. Step response is in time domain and Bode is in a frequency response. Therefore they are not compatibe to plot in the same figure. T = tf(1, [1 1 3]);
FFT plotting trouble: Concatenated inputs. Learn more about fft, windowing, vibration, hanning, frequency, frequency domain, tap testing, vibration analysis MATLAB
I have time and acceleration data from vibration of a beam in a data file that i imported into MATLAB. The values were used to plot the system response graph and analysed using FFT to plot frequency-amplitude data and find the resonating frequencies. I want to use these values to plot the...
Thanks for your answer,it has really improved my plotting, however the plot wont display the two graphs contained in the D10 data, to give a little background info the two graphs should show as a reference trajectory (Step input)and a control loop response (Step ...
1.PlottingGraphwithMatlab:)tcos(Ae)t(ft AmplitudeDampingFrequency(rad/s)Phaseanglef2,T1f,T22T ω=Angularfrequency(rad/s)f:Frequency(Hz)Exponential-HarmonicFunction:Exponential-Harmonicfunctionsarefunctionscommonlyencounteredinengineeringapplicationsastheformofexcitationorresponse.Thegeneralformofanexponential-...
You can use the Control System Toolbox™ editors to set properties and preferences inControl System Designer,Linear System Analyzer, and any response plots that you create from the MATLAB®command line. Propertiesrefer to settings that are specific to an individual response plot, such as: ...