instead of Scatter with Straight Lines, then you get the chart on the right. All too often my students will turn in an example that looks like the one on the right, even though they have seen numerous examples
So, now let us move ahead along with the marker. We can do so many things with the marker. You can also change the format of this line by using an F M T parameter. That helps in multiple arguments such as the colour of the line, the type of line, the type of marker you want....
Often the numbers are off by 1% or thereabouts, due to rounding effects in the labels (but seePie Chart Rounding in Excelfor a discussion of rounding errors in Excel pie charts). But in this case they’ve obviously left something out. All the well-intentioned guidelines for charting say to...
). An image of the plot, as it appears in MegunoLink, is placed on the clipboard for you to paste into another application. Export plot data or images to a file or the system clipboard. Opening Exported Data in Microsoft Excel