PLOT 次指令 (SELECTPRED 指令)PLOT 次指令及 SUMMARY 關鍵字會顯示一個圖表,其中彙總選取及未選取的預測值。 一律會顯示選取的預測值。 可顯示的未選取預測值數目上限由 CRITERIA 次指令上的 SHOWUNSELECTED 選項決定。上層主題: SELECTPRED 相關資訊SELECTPRED 概觀(SELECTPRED 指令) 範例(SELECTPRED 指令) 變數清...
R plot.augPred 绘制 augPred 对象R语言 plot.augPred 位于nlme 包(package)。 说明 生成预测与主要协变量的网格 xyplot,并针对分组因子的每个值使用不同的面板。预测值由线条连接,每个分组级别使用不同的线条类型(颜色)。原始观察结果用圆圈表示。 用法 ## S3 method for class 'augPred' plot(x, key, ...
Peng He
ax.plot(xx+np.random.sample(len(xx))*0.01, this_acc, marker='o',linestyle='None', color=colors[ii],zorder=-ii, alpha=0.9, mfc='None', mew=1, markersize=size) ifii==0: psorter=np.argsort(lr_pvalues) feat_names_=[feat_names[kk]forkkinpsorter] ...
Normal Distribution Power Curves for Sampling Design for Test Based on Prediction Interval for Normal DistributionPower Curves for Sampling Design for Test Based on Prediction Interval for Normal DistributionSteven P. Millard
IMAX model panel plot with Robs., Rpred. and SSB on a log-scale.Joachim, P. GrögerHansHarald, HinrichsenPatrick, Polte
Background / Purpose: Intrinsically disordered proteins, or natively unfolded proteins, are proteins that do not fold into stable three dimensional structures under normal physiological conditions. Despite their lack of defined structures, intrinsically disordered proteins carry out numerous biological ...
Background / Purpose: Intrinsically disordered proteins, or natively unfolded proteins, are proteins that do not fold into stable three dimensional structures under normal physiological conditions. Despite their lack of defined structures, intrinsically disordered proteins carry out numerous biological ...
VOSSTANOVLENIE RASPREDELENIYa PLOTNOSTI TOKA V TOKOPROVODYaShchIKh MIKROSTRUKTURAKh S PRIMENENIEM TEKhNIKI MAGNITO-2009. Vol. 150. № 5. P. 052211. Abiru K. et al. Visualization of non-uniform current flowin coated conductors by scanning Hall-probe magnetic microscopy // Physica C:...
Phys. Rev. Letters. 1987. V. 58. № 1. P. 61–64. Gavriljuk VG, Kucherenko VN,Moravetski VI et al. The electronic structure of FCC Fe, containing N and C impurities //J. Chem. Sol. 1994. V. 55. № 11. P. 1181–1187. Demidenko...