library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) # as expected, this extends the line up to limits of the plot p <- data.frame(x=c(1,1,Inf), y = c(Inf, 1, 1)) %>% ggplot(aes(x=x,y=y)) + geom_line() p library(plotly) # This doesn't plot anything ggplotly(p)Sign...
The number that defines the Y-axis zoom factor in the default chart view. - This property is only available when Item type is Chart. Plotly widgetEXPRESSION (widget) Reference to the LineChart widget. See Output widget handle property to find out how to obtain this reference. - This propert...
javascript 在plotly.js中的气泡图上添加悬停文本在现有代码中,您已经生成了hoverText数组,该数组包含...
I'm trying to make this ridgeplot chart in plotly and its mostly working ok, but for some reason the top trace is getting cut off and i can't figure out how to move the trace down a bit. I can do it manually by dragging the axis ...
(vizMTX): """ Returns trace of flat surface with intensity as surface elevation and color Parameters --- vizMTX : array_like Matrix holding spherical data for visualization Returns --- T : plotly_trace Trace of desired surface TODO --- Fix orientation and axis limits """ trace = go.Sur...
javascript 在plotly.js中的气泡图上添加悬停文本在现有代码中,您已经生成了hoverText数组,该数组包含...
You have to set up the same range for all frames [0–100M], but the chart is still jumping, because despite y-axisstandoff to make there enough space, longer country names still move the chart. Also, the labels which were originally outside of...
if both x and y are provided and one of them does not contain continuous values, orientation defaults to the value perpendicular to that axis. Previously it always defaulted to v but this is not considered a breaking change, as the cases in which it now defaults to h caused unreadable outp...
( data = data_gdp_life_exp_2007, layout = list( xaxis = list('type' = 'log', 'title' = 'GDP Per Capita'), yaxis = list('title' = 'Life Expectancy'), margin = list('l' = 40, 'b' = 40, 't' = 10, 'r' = 10), legend = list('x' = 0, 'y' = 1), hovermode ...