PDF使得演示或手稿中无法再有像素图表。 # mplplt.savefig(os.getcwd()+"plop_mpl.pdf", dpi=300) plt.show()# plotlyfig_plo.write_image(os.getcwd()+"plot_plotly.pdf") fig_plo.show() 输出 在滚动鼠标前,请仔细查看这些图。看看哪一个更一致且没有错误。以此来决定使用哪个平台。不要觉得有些错误...
WriteSetting.odt | Bin 77710 -> 77710 bytes docs/components/odt/en-US/widgets/Arc.odt | Bin 83452 -> 83508 bytes docs/components/odt/en-US/widgets/Bar.odt | Bin 83356 -> 83356 bytes .../components/odt/en-US/widgets/BarGraph.odt | Bin 126557 -> 126557 bytes .../odt/en-US/...
用plotly设置dpi 我知道 savefig 有一个选项 dpi。但如果我用plotly 绘图并写入图像,我就没有设置dpi 的选项。 如何用plotly设置dpi? TypeError: write_image() got an unexpected keyword argument'dpi' Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) pythonplotly-python ...
, method='curl') # download.file(url = can, destfile = "img/CAN.png", method='curl') ## if you need to write a PNG file from an image you can use `writePNG` # us = png::readPNG(us ) # can = png::readPNG(can) # writePNG('img/US.png') # writePNG('img/CAN.png')...
Source File: image.py From PyBloqs with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 6 votes def __init__(self, contents, plotly_kwargs=None, **kwargs): """ Writes out the content as raw text or HTML. :param contents: Plotly graphics object figure. :param plotly_kwargs: Kwargs that ...