fig = px.scatter(df, # 数据集 x="sepal_width", # x轴 y="sepal_length" # y轴 ) 同时我们可以传入改变散点颜色和大小的参数:color和size 1、指定颜色 代码语言:txt 复制 fig = px.scatter(df, # 数据集 x="sepal_width", # x轴 y="sepal_length", # y轴 color="sepal_leng...
Scatter(x=[4000, 5000, 6000], y=[7000, 8000, 9000], name="line2"), row=2, col=2) # Update xaxis properties # 设置每个子图自己的x轴 fig.update_xaxes(title_text="x_1", row=1, col=1) fig.update_xaxes(title_text="x_2", row=1, col=2) fig.update_xaxes(title_text="x...
fig = px.scatter(x=x_data, y=y_data, text=x_data # 设置显示的文本内容 ) fig.update_traces(textposition="top center") # 文本显示的位置:顶部居中 绘制线型图 显示图形为: 使用plotly自带的数据集: df fig =px.line(df, x='centroid_lat', y='car_hours...
the appropriate subplottypeforthat trace*secondary_y(bool,defaultFalse):IfTrue,create a secondary y-axis positioned on the right side of the subplot.Only validiftype='xy'.*colspan(int,default1):number of subplot columnsforthis subplot to span.*rowspan(int,default1):number of subplot rowsforth...
update_layout( title=f'{ts_name}{ts_code} {current_date}', xaxis_title='交易日期', yaxis_title='数值(万)' ) # 保存图表为HTML文件 file_path = f'{result_path2}{industry}_{ts_name}_{current_date}.html' fig.write_html(file_path) except Exception as e: print(f"股票 {ts_code}...
# layout()具体使用示例p<-layout(p,title="unemployment",xaxis=list(# 设置X轴标题和刻度线title="time",showgrid=F),yaxis=list(title="uidx"),annotations=list(# 添加注释list(x=maxdf$date,y=maxdf$uempmed,text="Peak",showarrow=T))) ...
Share Color Axis This example shows how to specify the color scale and color bar per trace. To share colorscale information in multiple subplots, you can usecoloraxis. Below we show how to set a reference coloraxis1 to a shared coloraxis, which are set in the layout. Note that multiple co...
>>> # Stack a scatter plot >>> fig = make_subplots(rows=2, shared_xaxes=True) This is the format of your plot grid: [ (1,1) xaxis1,yaxis1 ] [ (2,1) xaxis2,yaxis2 ]>>> fig.add_scatter(y=[2, 1, 3], row=1, col=1) Figure(...) >>> fig.add_scatter(y=[1, ...
figure.layout.xaxis) are no longer created eagerly during graph object construction. Instead, they are created lazily the first time the property is accessed. Property validation is now disabled for select internal operations. When used with Python 3.7 and above, now takes advantage of...
跟踪对象。首先,插图的xaxis和yaxis属性分别到‘x2’和‘y2’。以下语句将“日志”跟踪放入插图中 trace2 = go.Scatter( x = x, y y2, xaxis = 'x2', yaxis = 'y2', name = 'log' ) 其次,配置 Layout 对象,其中插入 x 和 y 轴的位置由指定相对于长轴的位置的域属性定义。 xaxis...