out_file.write('') printed =0;forbatchinvalid_stream.get_epoch_iterator(as_dict=True):ifbatch["context"].shape[1] >150:continue; evaluator.initialize_aggregators() evaluator.process_batch(batch) analysis_results = evaluator.get_aggregated_values() q_c_attention = analysis_results["question_co...
df = df_titanic fig = px.histogram(df, x="Survived", y=None, color="Sex", width=600,height=350, histnorm='percent', color_discrete_map={ "male": "skyblue", "female": "darkblue" }, template="simple_white" ) fig.update_layout(title="paper/plot bgcolor customized", font_family=...
Use the default template's background color for displaying color swatches (#1872). Special thanks to @joelostblom for this contribution! Improved docstrings (#1835, #1837) Added Added image trace type (plotly.js#4289, plotly.js#4307, plotly.js#4313, plotly.js#4319) Added matplotlib-style ...
示例代码: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] y = [1, 4, 9, 16, 25] plt.plot(x, y) plt.text(2, 10, 'Sample Text', fontfamily='serif', fontsize='x-large', fontweight='bold', fontstyle='italic', color='red', backgroundcolor='yellow', horizontalalignm...
Introduce horizontal colorbars [#6024] Implement legend.grouptitlefont and hoverlabel.grouptitlefont [#6040] Add texttemplate and textfont to heatmap and histogram2d traces as well as histogram2dcontour and contour traces when coloring is set "heatmap" [#6028] Fixed Fix to discard negative val...
carpet=None, cheaterslope=None, color=None, customdata=None, customdatasrc=None, da=None, db=None, font=None, hoverinfo=None, hoverinfosrc=None, hoverlabel=None, ids=None, idssrc=None, legendgroup=None, name=None, opacity=None, selectedpoints=None, ...
Use the default template's background color for displaying color swatches (#1872). Special thanks to @joelostblom for this contribution! Improved docstrings (#1835, #1837)AddedAdded image trace type (plotly.js#4289, plotly.js#4307, plotly.js#4313, plotly.js#4319) Added matplotlib-style plotl...
: "Success Metric"}, delta = {'reference': 3.9}, gauge = {'bar': {'color': ...
Improve display of spikelines whenspikedistanceis set to -1 [#4637] Improve comparehovermodeto include all points at same coordinate [#4664] Improvehistogramhover labels (harmonize start & end values) [#4662] Display new colors on Plotly's logo [#4691] ...