fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=x, y=y1, mode='lines', name='Line 1')) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=x, y=y2, mode='lines', name='Line 2')) 设置图表布局和样式: 代码语言:txt 复制 fig.update_layout(title='Multiple Lines with Shared X-axis', xaxis_title=...
首先,让我们创建一个简单的折线图:import plotly.graph_objects as goimport numpy as np# Generate sample datax = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)y = np.sin(x)# Create a basic line plotfig = go.Figure(data=go.Scatter(x=x, y=y, mode='lines'))# Add title and labelsfig.update_layout(title...
chart = Chart(df=df, chart_type='line', style=style) # we now plot using multiple plotting libraries, with the same dataframe chart.plot(engine='matplotlib') chart.plot(engine='bokeh') chart.plot(engine='plotly') I had previously written the open source PyThalesians financial library. This...
layout = go.Layout(title = 'Line Plot: Mean House Values by Bedrooms and Year', xaxis= dict(title= 'Year',ticklen= 5,zeroline= False), yaxis= dict(title= 'Mean House Values',ticklen= 5,zeroline= False)) fig = go.Figure(data = data, layout = layout) url = py.plot(fig, val...
dash.dependencies.Output('sales-graph', 'figure'), [dash.dependencies.Input('sales-graph', 'value')] ) def update_graph(selected_year): filtered_df = df[df['Year'] == selected_year] fig =, x='Month', y='Sales', title=f'销售数据 - {selected_year}') ...
使用 line 参数,我们可以设置线条属性,如线条颜色和宽度。我们可以添加前缀和后缀,它们会出现在单元格值的前后。 让我们更改上面提到的属性。请参阅下面的代码。 import plotly.graph_objects as go data = [ go.Table( header=dict( values=["X_Score", "Y_Score"], align="left", fill=dict(color="...
Setdebuggeron relevant line(s) Rerun the test suite by refreshing the page (e.g. with<crtl-r>) Keep in mind that the interaction coordinates are relative to the top-left corner of the plot, including the margins. To produce a reliable interaction test, it may be necessary to fix the ...
dropped support for long-deprecated graph_objects like area traces and scatter.(t|r) and layout.(radial|angular)axis attributes modebar no longer has hovermode or spikeline buttons by default (can be added back with fig.update_layout(modebar_add=["v1hovermode", "toggleSpikeLines"])) "Aa" ...