Plotly.newPlot('pie-chart', data); 通过以上代码,可以在浏览器中显示一个简单的饼图,其中包含三个扇区,分别表示A、B、C三个数据项的相对比例。 对于更复杂的饼图,plotly.js还提供了丰富的配置选项,可以根据需要进行自定义设置。你可以参考plotly.js的官方文档(
接下来,我们将创建一个简单的饼图,假设我们有以下数据: 苹果:20% 香蕉:30% 橙子:50% 我们可以使用以下代码创建一个饼图: <!DOCTYPE html> 饼图示例 var data = [{ values: [20, 30, 50], labels: ['苹果', '香蕉', '橙子'], type: 'pie' }]; var layout = { title: '水果占比...
15, 13, 17}, mode: 'lines+markers', name: 'Series 1')]"Layout="new Layout(title: 'Customized Line Chart',xaxis: new XAxis(title: 'Time'),yaxis: new YAxis(title: 'Value'),legend: new Legend(orientation: 'h'))"></PlotlyChart> ...
Plotly.js 是一个基于 JavaScript 的开源图表库,用于创建交互式图表和数据可视化。它支持多种图表类型,并且可以轻松地集成到网页中。 基础概念 Plotly.js 提供了丰富的图表类型,包括但不限于: 折线图(Line Charts) 柱状图(Bar Charts) 散点图(Scatter Plots) 饼图(Pie Charts) 3D 图表(3D Charts) 它还支持自...
Plotly.js is a charting library that comes with over 40 chart types: Horizontal and Vertical Bar Charts Pie and Donut Charts Line Charts Scatter and Bubble Plots Equation Plots 3D Charts Statistical Graphs SVG Maps ... Plotly.js is free and open-source under the MIT license. It costs ...
long hoverlabels get hidden outside of plot boundries instead of making sure they fit within the plot container's range the label for this slice in the pie chart is '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16' but you can only see from 7 onw...
title: “Pie chart” } }; } render() { return ( <Plot data={} layout={this.state.layout} onInitialized={(figure) => this.setState(figure)} onUpdate={(figure) => this.setState(figure)} /> ); } } export default ScatterMap;...
Plotly.js is a high-level declarative charting library that comes with 20 different chart types. Learn about Plotly's features and create your own charts.
<client-only><nuxt-plotly:data="":layout="pieChart.layout":config="pieChart.config"style="width: 100%"></nuxt-plotly></client-only> Create a file with the.client.vueextension, for example,PieChart.client.vueand then you can use the component without the<client-only>tag. ...
I've had to remove all zeroes prior to making the chart. I don't like doing that, but it fixed it. rainer-rq-koelle commented Jun 19, 2020 A workaround to suppress the 0% labels is to filter your data before supplying it to pie code. This may work, if you can live with cert...