在Plotly.js中,可以通过配置轴的clickmode和dragmode属性来启用轴单击/拖动事件。clickmode属性可以设置为'event'或'select',分别表示单击轴时触发事件或选择轴范围。dragmode属性可以设置为'zoom'、'pan'或'select',分别表示拖动轴时进行缩放、平移或选择轴范围。 以下是一些常见的应用场景和推荐的腾讯云相关产品: 数据...
hovermode 确定悬停交互的模式 如果'clickmode'包含'select', 则'hovermode'默认为'closest' 如果'clickmode'缺少'select', 则对于笛卡尔坐标的绘图, 默认值为'x'或'y'(取决于trace的'orientation'值). 对于其他任何内容, 默认值为'closest' legend plotly.graph_objects.layout.Legend 或 兼容性的属性的字典 常用...
hovermode 确定悬停交互的模式 如果'clickmode'包含'select', 则'hovermode'默认为'closest' 如果'clickmode'缺少'select', 则对于笛卡尔坐标的绘图, 默认值为'x'或'y'(取决于trace的'orientation'值). 对于其他任何内容, 默认值为'closest' legend plotly.graph_objects.layout.Legend 或 兼容性的属性的字典 常用...
给你两个整数 x 和 y ,表示你在一个笛卡尔坐标系下的 (x, y) 处。 同时,在同一个坐标系下...
Enable selection by clicking on points via new layout attribute clickmode and flag 'select' (#2944) Added stacked area charts via new attributes stackgroup and stackgaps in scatter traces (#2960) Added barpolar trace type - which replace and augment area traces (#2954) Added polar.hole ...
https://github.com/plotly/plotly.js/compare/vX.Y.Z...master where X.Y.Z is the semver of most recent plotly.js release. [3.0.1] -- 2025-02-18 Changed Update color-rgba from 2.1.1 to 3.0.0 to fix hsl color conversion bug [#7325] Fixed Fix click event handling for plots in ...
update_layout(clickmode='event+select', hovermode='closest', hoverlabel=dict(namelength=0), template='plotly_white') fig.update_traces(marker={'symbol': 'circle', 'size': 10, 'line': {'width': 2, 'color': 'white'}}, selector=dict(mode='markers')) fig.show() Python Copy以上...
clickmode Determines the mode of single click interactions. “event” is the default value and emits the plotly_click event. In addition this mode emits the plotly_selected event in drag modes “lasso” and “select”, but with no event data attached (kept for compatibility reasons). The “...
Enable selection by clicking on points via new layout attribute clickmode and flag 'select' (#2944) Added stacked area charts via new attributes stackgroup and stackgaps in scatter traces (#2960) Added barpolar trace type - which replace and augment area traces (#2954) Added polar.hole layout...
这是我两年前使用 plotly 绘制的一幅交互式散点图。把鼠标悬停在某个点上,就会出现这个点的信息。看起来还是挺酷的。plotly 结合 dash后功能更加强大。下面是官网给出的案例。dash可以加入交互式的控件,比如下拉框、单选按钮、复选框等等。 plotly的编程范式和matplotlib也有很大的区别。加入dash代码后,代码长得甚至...