我想用Amount Available和DemandCourse创建堆叠条形图,但它不起作用。 fig <- plot_ly( data = as.data.frame(dp), x = ~ `Element Name`, y = ~ `Amount Available`, name = "Amount Available", hovertext = paste( "Chemical Name:",dp$`Element Name`, "Available Amount :", dp$`Amount Avail...
我的计划是先将“grob”对象转换为“ggplot”对象,然后将“ggplot”对象转换为“plotly”对象: grob= plot(r_fit$unique.death.times, pred[1,], type = "l", col = "red") basic_plot = ggpubr::as_ggplot(grob) 但是当我试图检查"basic_plot"时,它显示为“NULL”。 ggplot(f) Error: `data` m...
Several templates for scatter plot, line plots, etc., are provided below for easy copying/pasting. A helpful function pub can be used to reduce then amount of code that needs to be typed when the user is comfortable with the default settings. Organization-specific color palettes and logos ...