Plot twists are particularly popular in short stories. In many stories they are the main event of the story arc. For example,in Roald Dahl's classic short story'Lamb to the Slaughter', Mary Maloney kills her husband with a frozen leg of lamb. The dark-humoured twist is that Mary serves...
From arrogant emperors failing miserably, to seemingly successful rebellions gone wrong, there are many twists and turns in the story of mankind. This list recounts just 10 of the greatest and most bizarre plot twists ever to happen in human history. 10 Real Tales Of Prejudice With Unbelievable...
The 33 Best Plot Twists of the 21st Century, Ranked A great plot twist doesn't just shock, it can make a movie truly unforgettable. Here are the best surprises, twists and turns we've seen since 2000, including "Us" and "The Visit." By Wilson Chapman August 13, 2024 8:00 pm The...
but also for how much they infuriated fans. TheStar Warssaga delivered one of the greatest twists in cinematic history inThe Empire Strikes Back, when Darth Vader reveals that he is actually Luke Skywalker's father. So, whenStar Wars: The Force Awakensintroduced...
One of The Matrix's biggest twists revolves around Cypher betraying his crew and making a deal with Agent Smith to go into the Matrix and forget what he saw in the real world. However, it's unexplained as to how Cypher got into the Matrix at all without the help of an operator, who...
when done right, plot twists can make an already incredible film even better. In some cases, it could make or break the movie. WouldFight Clubstill be regarded in such high esteem if not for the shocking twist that the Narrator and Tyler Durden were really the same people the whole time...
Given that fans were so used to seeing Rose Quartz in the same heroic fashion throughout the series, it was equally as shocking for them to learn something different. The real story behind Rose Quartz is undoubtedly one of the most prolific twists in modern cartoons. ...
Has anyone seen a movie called Wreck it Ralph? For those who haven't seen it, I won't spoil anything, but let's just say that there's more to the game Sugar Rush than meets the eye. ByViranty— On Mar 17, 2014 I've always loved plots twists in movies. Not only do they keep...
This plot twist takes a cut-and-dried tale and twists it to have a more engaging storyline. For example, the story could move toward a particular climax; everything seems as if it ends well, then suddenly, you realize the hero’s actions made the problem worse. ...
The main events that make up short stories and novels are called the plot. It would be difficult to have an interesting story about characters that are just standing around. There has to be something to motivate them, some problem for them to solve or some obstacle for them to overcome. ...