E. Lockhart’sWe Were Liarsis a fascinating novel that depicts an affluent family’s annual summer reunion on a private island. The book’s twists and turns are like a maze, with the narrative twist at the conclusion as its crowning treasure. Dark secrets lie behind the idyllic surface, wit...
In novels and stories where the main unknown is the identity of a perpetrator, plot twists help to shift suspicion. Deciphering who the guilty party is in a murder mystery (or what their motivation is) forms a large part of the story's pleasure. Plot twists that shift suspicion onto other...
One of the best plot twists that makes a great story is when you create a mystery, then set up the usual suspects. However, through a turn of events, the reader discovers that an unexpected person is the real culprit, and the usual suspects are all wrong. ...
In this guide, we're going to talk about plot in literature. I'll share a broad definition of plot, then dive into the approach we use at The Write Practice (called The Write Structure), and finally you'll learn the six elements of plot that make stories entertaining and memorable. Are...
Will the heroine manage to escape and find her way back home? These questions are essential to create tension for the reader. Amidst the twists and turns the plot takes as it reaches its conclusion, this dramatic question stays with us continuously until the very end. ...
I've been using Plottr since 2020. I use it to plot both short stories and novels (and a screenplay). It absolutely works for me! I've tried everything in the past, both digital and physical -- index cards, MS Excel, you name it. Plottr is intuitive to use, flexible, customizable...
Twists And Turns Quotes Like a twisted olive tree in its 500th year, giving then its finest fruit, is man. How can he give forth wisdom until he has been crushed and turned in the Hand of God. —Rabbi Akiva 74 Every single word you have spoken is sharp, sarcastic and twisted. When...
reader engaged from the first page to the last. Mysteries in particular need those extra plot threads to create red herrings and plot twists so that the solution to the mystery is a surprise to the reader. In order to populate those other threads, one must have a sizable cast of ...
This faily predictable story might rate a 6/10 except for a few plot twists and some very fine acting by Joan Lorring. Joan's performance as the innocent and devoted, loving housewife is completely believable and contrasts nicely with the ill fate of those around her. (9/10) --- zM ...
These ingenious plot twists, revealed in the solution to the cases, and well supported by clues, are in the classic Golden Age tradition. DeAndrea is especially good at characterization. He writes best when he writes about talented people, whether their talent is TV production, mystery ...