The very first book –“The Maze Runner” – begins with the main character – a guy called Thomas – waking up in a huge elevator going up a long, long tunnel. He doesn’t remember anything from his previous life, and eventually he finds himself living in a gigantic maze along with a...
A coming-of-age journey set in a high-tech, steampunk-inspired city, MazeRunner follows a group of Black teens on a quest for self-discovery. As they navigate the maze-like streets of a futuristic metropolis, filled with towering mechanical structures and intricate steam-powered devices, they...
"Hollywood on Set" The Maze Runner/The Drop/No Good Deed (TV Episode 2014) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
The rising action occurs when the main problem or conflict is addressed with a form of action.The rising action always leads up to the climax.During the rising action, the protagonist often encounters some sort of crisis that creates tension. For example, in "The Maze Runner" by James Dashne...
"Hollywood on Set" Maze runner the Death cure/Forever my girl/Phantom thread (TV Episode 2018) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
How to Write a Plot Summary. Writing a book summary may seem simple -- if you take that to mean simply regurgitating the events within a story. However, it's important to not only discuss the events of a story but also demonstrate understanding of how th
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts Trailer Reveals Villain Unicron Anthony Ramos and Dominique Fishback star in the seventh installment in the Transformers franchise. Movie Photos 'Dune: Part Two' Photos Reveal First Look At New Characters First look at new characters played by Florence Pugh, Austin...
"The Monday Show" Maze Runner: The Death Cure SPOILER Discussion (TV Episode 2018) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
"SiftPop" 126B: Maze Runner: The Death Cure (SiftSpoil) (Podcast Episode 2018) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
"CinemaWins" Everything GREAT About Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials! (TV Episode 2018) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...