"Classic Audiobook Collection" King Henry IV by William Shakespeare ~ Full Audiobook (Podcast Episode 2022) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
Tough to write a summary of this show that doesn't sound ludicrous; but don't be deceived—this is perhaps the creepiest episode of the series, presented with eerie tension and an atmosphere of ominous terror, due in no small measure to the creature's droning intonation of human vowel sou...
From The Tempest. Ed. Henry Norman Hudson. New York: Ginn and Co., 1909. INTRODUCTION Like tragedy, comedy deals with a conflict between an individual and environing circumstances. In tragedy the individual is overwhelmed; in comedy the individual triumphs. In comedy, as in tragedy, there are...
Also known as: “Hamlet, Prince of Denmark” Written by David Bevington Phyllis Fay Horton Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus in the Humanities and Chair of Theatre and Performance Studies, University of Chicago. World authority on Shakespeare. Editor ofThe Complete... ...
Shakespeare’s ploy in this engaging comedy is to introduce the character of Falstaff, already a household name in London in the late 1590s, into a nonhistorical plot where he occupies a very different role from that of theHenry IVplays. Along with him, Shakespeare also imports some other ...
Much Ado About Nothing, comedy in five acts by William Shakespeare, written probably in 1598–99 and printed in a quarto edition from the author’s own manuscript in 1600. The play takes an ancient theme—that of a woman falsely accused of unfaithfulness
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