additional effects on RAV and working interest probabilities caused by uncertainty in success probability, and to keep a balance with the prior two examples, a 10% uncertainty on ps for each opportunity, drawn from a uniform population, is now included with the 10% uncertainties on V and C. ...
A very powerful, well-written story which is strong on mood, suspense, and descriptive imagery. The Beyond Midnight version is very good—one of the best—but my copy is marred by poor audio quality. It has very good pacing and delivery, solid acting, and good sound effects (wind/rain,...
sex: a factor with levels: female; male. volunteer: volunteering, a factor with levels: no; yes. This is the outcome variable for the running example in this vignette. Before proceeding, we convert the two factor variablessexandvolunteerinto numeric variables. We also means-center and standardi...
We used data from the species’ complete extent of occurrence to prevent deficiencies that are associated with SDMs based on a species’ partial geographic range, such as under-prediction42. All individuals were assigned to species level; intraspecific levels were ignored. Taxonomic names were ...
Enlarged images of resampling effects on rasterization of plot extent. (a) illustrates the an overview of the effect and (b) is an enlargement highlighting its effects on a polygon. For illustration, the resampled polygons were produced by conducting raster-to-vector conversion on rasters from ...