1 第一,启动MATLAB,新建脚本(Ctrl+N),输入如下代码:close all;clear all;clcx=0:pi/50:2*pi;y=sin(x);hline1=plot(x,y,'k','linewidth',3);hline2=line(x+0.05,y,'linewidth',4,'color',[.8,.8,.8]);set(gca,'children',[...
Plot the horizontal line by entering plot([x1, x2], [y1, y1]) into the command window. This will plot a horizontal line that runs from the points (-4,3) to (4,3). Since both y values are the same, the line will be horizontal. Advertisement...
To create a horizontal line, we can use the Matlab built-in functionyline(), which plots a horizontal line with a constant vertical value. For example, let’s plot a horizontal line on a specific vertical position on a graph. See the code below. ...
How to plot a line in a GUI that updates with a... Learn more about gui, button-press, updating line, updating plot
The MATLAB plot gallery provides examples of many ways to display data graphically in MATLAB. You can view and download source code for each plot, and use it in your own MATLAB project.
lineSpec包含设置线条样式(line-style),标记符号(marker)和颜色(color) , 表示对plot绘制图形的样式、标记符合和颜色进行调整 。 三个属性没有顺序,如果缺少一个,则表示没有 matlab文档中提供了所有的样式颜色符号表,help plot 可以查看参考页的input Arguments(输入参数)中的LineSpec,可以查看line-style、marker、colo...
The MATLAB plot gallery provides examples of many ways to display data graphically in MATLAB. You can view and download source code for each plot, and use it in your own MATLAB project.
H) to see alist of line object properties and legal property values.1.private与子函数:子函数只能在主函数内容中调用,在函数外无法使用function MainFunction主函数内容function SubFunction1子函数内容endfunction SubFunction2子函数内容endfunction SubFunction3子函数内容endendprivate函数是matlab软件...
MATLAB Answers Fill the space between y-axis and curve with colours 1 답변 Plot Matrix Columns in a Loop 1 답변 draw multiple line segments, stairs(), plot() function? 1 답변 전체 웹사이트 StemBar File Exchange fill2c: a pedestrian area filler File Exchange ...