give you different visualisation types for the different kinds of data. Mathematica has a lot of 3d visualisation types and Python/Scipy/Mayavi2 has even more. Matlab has a number too but Scilab, while normally mirroring Matlab, in this case prefers to handle it all with theplot3dfunction. ...
2回答 使用'polarplot‘时出现SCILAB未定义的可变错误 、 在scilab中运行polarplot时,我得到以下错误t= 0:.01:2*%pi;xtitle('Using polarplot'exec('D:\mangesh\SCILAB PROJ\sample\polarplot.sce', -1) at line13 of function polarpl 浏览3提问于2019-03-08得票数 0 ...
This repository contains my solutions to the lab assignments given in the course EE 324 - Control Systems Lab in Spring 2021 at IIT Bombay scilab control-systems pid-control bode-plot root-locus nyquist-diagrams state-space-representation lag-compensators lead-compensators Updated Apr 13, 2021 Sc...
However, when I execute a Nyquist Plot of this in Mathematica, it does not produce the correct result (Matlab and Scilab do produce correct plots). The Scilab program appears below: // This file is a test of the Nyquist function in Scilab. It is for an F16 pitch // dynamics. s = ...