Plot annotation is a valuable tool used in literature analysis and the interpretation of a story's plot. It involves breaking down the plot into its individual components, examining the various elements that make up the story, and analyzing their significance in relation to the overall narrative....
h = plot(x,y); annotation('arrow','X',[0 0.4],'Y',[0.7 0.4]); get(h); set(h, 'LineStyle','--'); set(h,'Color','red'); set(h,'MarkerSize',12); ax = gca; ax.FontSize = 20; fig = gcf; fig.Color = 'green'; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12...
接下来,使用ggplot函数创建散点图,并使用geom_text函数添加标签。最后,使用annotation_custom函数添加图标,其中grob参数指定了图标的图像,xmin、xmax、ymin、ymax参数指定了图标的位置。最后,使用print函数显示图形。 另一种方法是使用grid库来自定义绘图函数。下面是一个示例代码,演示了如何使用grid库在折线图中添加图标...
Annotation 正确渲染在 body 里面了,但并不是我们期望的效果,因为 Annotaion 没有渲染在 HTMLElement id['annotation-box'] 里面, 所以位置偏离了。 其实正常情况下,如果 Annotation 的内容过多,也不宜直接展示,因为太太太遮挡内容了,我们简单的添加个交互(onmousemove)。
plotModel.Annotations.Add(annotation); } Oxyplot双Y轴坐标系 左右各一个Y轴坐标轴,不同的曲线或散点等绑定不同的坐标轴。 下面的例子,曲线绑定左侧的Y轴,散点绑定右侧的Y轴。 需要注意的是,左右两侧的坐标轴都需要设置Key,并且需要取不同的名字。
plot3d(randn(10),randn(10),randn(10),annotations=(1,1,1,"Hej")) Error showing value of type Plots.Plot{Plots.PlotlyJSBackend}: ERROR: MethodError: `plotly_annotation_dict` has no method matching plotly_annotation_dict(::Int64, ::Int64, :...
Annotation<T>() Get the first annotation object of the specified type from the current OpenXmlElement element. (Inherited from OpenXmlElement) Annotations(Type) Gets a collection of annotations with the specified type for the current OpenXmlElement element. (Inherited from OpenXmlElement) ...
for you to draw on. After annotating all the pages needed, saving the file will go through all the annotated pages, and for each removes the added background, exports the page to PDF and finally overlays each annotation on the corresponding page of the orignal PDF and outputs the final ...
matplotlib.pyplot.annotate(text, xy, xytext=None, xycoords='data', textcoords=None, arrowprops=None, annotation_clip=None, **kwargs) 几个主要参数如下: text:想要标注的文本 xy:标注点的坐标,坐标系统通过后面的xycoords参数来指定,默认为'data' ...