plot(Y) plots the columnsofY versus their index.IfYiscomplex, plot(Y)isequivalenttoplot(real(Y),imag(Y)).Inall other usesofplot, the imaginary partisignored. Various line types, plot symbolsandcolors may be obtainedwithplot(X,Y,S)whereSisa characterstringmadefromone elementfromanyorall the...
plot(X,Y) plots vector Y versus vector X. If X or Y is a matrix, then the vector is plotted versus the rows or columns of the matrix, whichever line up. If X is a scalar and Y is a vector, disconnected line objects are created and plotted as discrete points vertically at X. plo...
1、matlab画图函数plot使用方法plot函数可以接一些参数,来改变所画图像的属性(颜色,图像元素等)。下面是一些属性的说明 b blue(蓝色) . point(点) - solid(实线)g green(绿色) o circle(圆圈) : dotted(点线)r red(红色) x x-mark(叉号) -. dashdot (点画线)c cyan(墨绿色) + plus(加号) - das...
·用Matlab画图时,有时候需要对各种图标进行标注,例如,用“+”代表A的运动情况,“*”代表B的运动情况。 legend函数的基本用法是 LEGEND(string1,string2,string3,...) 分别将字符串1、字符串2、字符串3……标注到图中,每个字符串对应的图标为画图时的图标。 例如: plot(x,sin(x),'.b',x,...
plot(X,Y,S) where S is a character string made from one element from any or all the following 3 columns: b blue . point - solid g green o circle : dotted r red x x-mark -. dashdot c cyan + plus -- dashed m magenta * star (none) no line ...
Sven Mesecke (2025).Starplot(, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜:2025/1/3. MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보 개발 환경: R2007a 모든 릴리스와 호환 ...
a Matlab-like plot library for Visual C++ in Windows - GitHub - MacroUniverse/MatPlot: a Matlab-like plot library for Visual C++ in Windows
A Matlab上plot功能类似的Java实现,基于swing组件,方便Java绘制波形。 API说明 所有的绘图api均封装在Plot类下,使用和Matlab类似的函数名称。 figrue() 创建一个绘图面板 hold_on() 开启绘图保持,用于将多个绘图对象绘制到同一个面板上 hold_off() 关闭绘图保持 ...
Here are the RGB triplets and hexadecimal color codes for the default colors MATLAB uses in many types of plots. RGB TripletHexadecimal Color CodeAppearance [0 0.4470 0.7410] "#0072BD" [0.8500 0.3250 0.0980] "#D95319" [0.9290 0.6940 0.1250] "#EDB120" [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560] "#7E2F8...