Theqqman librarybyStephen D. Turneris the most widely used way to create a Manhattan plot with R. A version is on CRAN and can be installed withinstall.packages("qqman"). It provides a GWAS result data frame (gwasResults) that we will use as an example dataset in this post. The manh...
curve_values<-loess(y ~ x)# Apply loess function plot(x, y)# Plot with linelines(predict(curve_values), col="red", lwd=3) As shown in Figure 2, we created a scatterplot with a fitted curve with the previous R code. Example 2: Creating Scatterplot with Fitted Smooth Line Using gg...
- Edward R. Tufte{ggstatsplot} is an extension of {ggplot2} package for creating graphics with details from statistical tests included in the information-rich plots themselves. In a typical exploratory data analysis workflow, data visualization and statistical modeling are two different phases: ...
plot(cfit) plots the curve given in the cfit object cfit over the range of the current axes (gca). If no current axes exist, the function plots the curve over the range of the data used to create cfit. plot(cfit,x,y) plots cfit together with a scatter plot of the data in x and...
fastplotprovides utility functions to compute Lorenz curve and Gini Index. To compute Gini index and Lorenz curve for a single set of samples call thefastplot.lorenz_gini()function, whose sole arguments is a set of samples. It returns(lorenz_x, lorenz_y), gini_index, that you can plot ...
Create a 2-D line plot of the cosine curve. Change the line color to a shade of blue-green using an RGB color value. Add a title and axis labels to the graph using the title, xlabel, and ylabel functions. Get figure plot(x,y,'Color',[0,0.7,0.9]) title('2-D Line Plot') ...
The ROC curve, obtained from the Plot ROC curve tool in the LigandScout screening module, together with the corresponding output values of AUC and EF.doi:10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0140602.G012M. RokM. JanezS. UrbanPerdih AndrejA...
A well-defined T1− 1 maximum indicates that only one motion process of the lithium ion is taking place in the electrolyte. In contrast, an asymmetric shape of the relaxation curve suggests that there are at least two separate relaxation processes in the electrolyte. Sign in to download full...
In this example, I’ll demonstrate how to draw a curve in a ggplot2 graphic. To achieve this, we simply have to exchange the geom_segment by the geom_curve function: ggp+# Draw curvegeom_curve(x=2.5, y=3, xend=5, yend=7) ...
Two ways to make a density plot in R For better or for worse, there’s typically more than one way to do things in R. For just about any task, there is more than one function or method that can get it done. That’s the case with the density plot too. There’s more than one ...