meshgrid is a function used in Matlab to generate mesh sample points, vectors are transformed into matrices.[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y) returns 2-D grid coordinates based on the coordinates contained in vectors x and y. X is a matrix where each row is a copy of x, and Y is a matrix wh...
使用‘plotmatrix’命令,绘制未经美化的散点矩阵图。 % S - 散点图的图形线条对象% AX - 每个子坐标区的坐标区对象% BigAx - 容纳子坐标区的主坐标区的坐标区对象% H - 直方图的直方图对象% HAx - 不可见的直方图坐标区的坐标区对象[S,AX,BigAx,H,HAx]=plotmatrix(X);hTitle=title('A Comparison of...
plotmatrix(___,LineSpec) plotmatrix(ax,___) [S,AX,BigAx,H,HAx] = plotmatrix(___) plotmatrix(X,Y)创建一个子坐标区矩阵,包含了由X的各列相对Y的各列数据组成的散点图。如果X是p×n且Y是p×m,则plotmatrix生成一个n×m子坐标区矩阵。
a = linspace(0,12,1000);t = linspace(0,12,1000);% 删除这些注释% 因为a,t都是矩阵,所以乘法的话,相同维度,我就默认你是用点乘之类的。".*","./"等等。% 如果是矩阵的乘法,你都没学过,我就不说了。z1 =10000*(a.*t + 1).^(12./t); scatter3(double(a),double(t),...
matlabplot3用法欲绘制如图3维函数图 写代码如下 x=-200:0.3:200;y=-200:0.1:200;plot3(x,y,x*y/sqrt(x*x+y*y)) 为何报错 ???Errorusing==>mtimes Innermatrixdimensionsmustagree. MATLAB版本是7.1 扫码下载作业帮搜索答疑一搜即得 答案解析 查看更多优质解析 解答一 举报 %plot3(x,y,z)用来绘制3...
今天,给各位带来Matlab中,使用plotmatrix绘制矩阵散点图的相关教程说明。本文主要介绍plotmatrix函数在Matlab中的常见用法、语法说明、使用两个矩阵输入创建散点图矩阵、使用一个矩阵输入创建散点图矩阵、指定标记类型和颜色,以及创建并修改散点图矩阵等用法。 下面我们
This function is based on polar3d by J De Freitas, file exchange ID 7656. The input parameters are a matrix of magnitudes, Zp, and a list of property,value pairs that modify the default plot behavior. Each column of Zp contains information along a single half-meridian and each row gives...
在Matlab 中创建三维箱线图,数据可以在单个 3D 矩阵或单列和两个分组参数中按列和级别排列。 有关教程,请参阅 GitHub 中的说明。 (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分 微机CH7 可编程接口芯片8255A及应用.ppt 2024-12-22 07:58:58 积分:1 北理工C语言编程网上作业答案.docx ...
MATLAB Online で開く Hello Experted Friends! I am trying to plot a matrix named T in my code against x and y at some t values. I was wondering if you could guide me what should I include in my code? %%% Temperature Distribution Induced by Laser in a Si...
boxPlot3D(x) creates a three dimensional box plot of the data in x. If x is 3D a matrix, boxPlot3D creates one box for each column. Example, create a 3D matrix with normal distributions with different means:xx=randn(50,2,4)+repmat((permute([0 1 2 -2;1 2 3 4],[3 1 2]))...