Plot3D[…,{x,y}∈reg] 变量{x,y}从几何区域reg取值. 更多信息和选项 范例 打开所有单元 基本范例(4) 绘制一个函数: In[1]:= Out[1]= 绘制几个函数: In[1]:= Out[1]= 限制域: In[1]:= Out[1]= 绘制有分支线的函数: Copy to clipboard. ...
This X-Function is capable of creating 3D function plot, 3D parametric function plot or image/contour plot, from the specified matrices or the 2D loose datasets. Examples The following script example will show how to create 2D loose datasets, and then create matrices from these 2D loose datas...
次のスクリプトサンプルは、2Dルーズデータセットを作成し、その2Dルーズデータセットから行列を作成して、最後に行列から3Dパラメトリック関数プロットを作成します。 create myx -fp2 20 v*cos(u) 0 6.28 50 0 5; // Xパラメトリック曲面 create myy -fp2 20 v*sin(u) 0 6.28 ...
我认为函数在ContourPlot3D后没有结果是因为函数等值面在体积中不存在。虽然在a = 1存在等值线,但是函数在体积中只有无穷小体积为实数,也就是a为其他情况的运算使得函数的值为复数,可以在函数前加Re[]只取实数部分强行出图ContourPlot3D[Re[(-8 n^2 -4 n)/(3 ((-2 n)/3)^(1/a) ((-3^(1 - a...
plots fieldplot3d plot a 3-D vector field Calling Sequence Parameters Description Examples Calling Sequence fieldplot3d( f , x = r1 , y = r2 , z = r3 , options ) fieldplot3d( f , r1 , r2 , r3 , options ) Parameters f - Vector field to be plotted x -...
\documentclass[border=1cm]{standalone} \usepackage{pgfplots} \usetikzlibrary{calc,math} \pgfplotsset{compat=newest} \pgfkeys{/pgf/declare function={H(\x,\y) = 3*(((\x)^2-(\y)^2+3*(\x)+2)^2+((2*\x*\y)+3*\y)^2)+2.2204e-16)^(1/2))/(((\x)^3+5*(\x)^2-3*\...
Useful tool to plot a 3D implicit surface defined in cartesian coordinates. You can give f(x,y,z) = 0 as a string or as a function handle. Type <help ezimplot3> for usage. Remember to leave your comments and ratings...Thanks! ;) Cite As Gustavo Morales (2025). Ezimplot3: ...
plot3d three-dimensional plotting Calling Sequence Parameters Description Examples Compatibility Calling Sequence plot3d( expr , x=a..b , y=c..d , opts ) plot3d( f , a..b , c..d , opts ) plot3d([ exprf , exprg , exprh ], s=a..b , t=c..d , opts ) plot3d([
If the current axes have been rotated away from the X-Y view, this function will calculate the angles of the current x, y and z axes with respect to horizontal. These angles are used to rotate the current x, y and z axes labels to align them with their respective directions. This on...
plot3d_command - string or unevaluated function Description • The Plot3D command is used to create a 3-D plot that will be rendered inline in a shared canvas. • It is recommended that the argument to this command be a string -- an unevaluated plot3d command. The evaluated outp...