whileSTEP <= 1 ifFLAG == 1 STEP = 2; BETA = BETA+H*BETAD; RT1 = RT1 +H*VT1; RT2 = RT2 +H*VT2; RM1 = RM1 +H*VM1; RM2 = RM2 +H*VM2; VM1 = VM1 +H*AM1; VM2 = VM2 +H*AM2; T=T+H; end RTM1=RT1-RM1; ...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 hi to all 1) i want to plot below two figures in single figure. i want to plot figure1 and figure2 in single figure3. r=[12 23 45 67 77] p=[44 55 66 77 88 ] g=[21 33 23 34 54] k=[55 45 43 23 12] ...
% if its NextPlot is 'add', or if no figures exist, create a figure.% When the figure is prepared, set its NextPlot to 'add', and then% prepare an axes in that figure:% Clear and reset the current axes using CLA RESET if its NextPlot% is 'replace', or clear the current axes ...
ylim([-1, 4]); legend('t\^2', 'sin(2\pit)', 'location', 'northwest'); hold off 多图 调用Figure画多个图 gcf和gca会指向最后一个figure %% Multiple Figures x = -10:0.1:10; y1 = x.^2 - 8; y2 = exp(x); figure, plot(x, y1); figure, plot(x, y2); set(gca, 'FontSiz...
t=-1:0.1:1;x=sin(2*pi*t);y=cos(2*pi*t);figureplot(x)figureplot(y) Output: There are two figures,Figure1andFigure2in the output, but there will only be one figure with one plot if we don’t use thefigurecommand. You can also give a title name to each figure using theName...
Sign in to answer this question.See Also MATLAB Answers How to fit to part of plot and extrapolate, all on the same plot 1 Answer How to generate -1, 0 and 1? 2 Answers How to plot multiple figures (.fig) into one figure? 1 Answer Catego...
Thank you for the code and your work. I would never though on it from this side.
I would also like to ask something!! Ιn these figures, I want to do linear fitting and save all these as bmp images. I did linear fitting in each figure separately, but i'd like to do this into the loop!This
>plot(x,Y1,x,Y2) Fig.5.1.1sinecurvedrawnbyfunctionplot Whendrawingcurvesandgraphs,manycolorsorlinesareoften usedtodistinguishbetweendifferentdatagroups,andMATLAB softwareisspeciallydesigned Thedoorprovidestheparameteroptionsinthissection(see table5.1.1),andwejustaddtherelevantstringaftereach ...
The first time you open the plot tools, the Figure Palette, Plot Browser, and Property Editor appear, grouped around the current figure. If you close, move, or undock any of the tools, MATLAB®restores that configuration when you invoke the tools for subsequent figures, both within and acr...