目前国内很多单位都在抵制plos one,比如有些单位规定plos one 不算发表论文,部分基金评阅会给发表plos ...
Thank you for submitting your manuscript for review to PLoS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that your manuscript will likely be suitable for publication if it is revised to address the points below. Therefore, my decision is "Minor Revision." We invite you to submit a revised version...
小妹最近想投PLOS ONE,但在阅读他们的投稿要求时,尤其是关于图表的部分犯了难,恳请各位大神能给点帮助。 1.Tables: Tables should be included at the end of the manuscript. All tables should have a concise title. Footnotes can be used to explain abbreviations. Citations should be indicated using the...
这个根本不是楼上说的那些无所谓,而是已经在国外科学界投了个炸弹,无数科学家,编辑要求plos one撤稿...
One interviewee was quoted as say- ing that "They informed us [about biolarviciding] and, fortunately, they provided the biolarvi- cide. They were not enough for all the areas we have here. So, we did it in phases" (KI 17, Male, Community leader). VCC perceptions on the ...
PLOS ONE动物研究咨询小组的成员表示,作者的回复并没有解决这些问题。他们指出,水合氯醛的使用不符合道德标准,还有其他麻醉剂可以使用,它们不那么令动物难受,也更有效。此外,他们指出水合氯醛可能在麻醉后12天内引起腹膜炎症和随后的疼痛。The mem...
gait quality, speed, and efficiency, indicators of gait ability; the Five Times Sit-to-Stand Test (FTSST), an indicator of functional performance; the Timed Up-and-Go test (TUG), an indicator of mobility; and the one-leg standing time (OLST), an indicator of postural and balance contro...
作者和审稿都有很大问题 plos one 这杂志在业界是出名的水 这次算是水出新境界了