PLoS ONE features reports of original research from all disciplines within science and medicine. By not excluding papers on the basis of subject area, PLoS ONE facilitates the discovery of the connections between papers whether within or between disciplines. ...
PLOS One, 全称Public Library of Science One, 缩写为NLM ID 101285081,是来自美国的一本科学期刊。它的出版地设在加利福尼亚州旧金山,以其严谨的科学发表标准和全球视野而知名。这本杂志的出版周期为月刊,这意味着每月都会推出新的研究成果。PLOS One的创立目标是打破传统学术出版的限制,提倡开放获...
impact factor 文章送给2-3个审稿人审阅,under review说明已送审了,而wait for other review说明已有审稿人返回审稿的意见(reviewer comments),但还有审稿人未送回,要等待 大家对Plos One的影响因子如何预测?这个期刊的审稿政策决定了论文的平均水平不高。但同时他们还是发表了少数高水平的论文。通常一个期刊的影响...
t-factor.html Guestimating PLoS ONE impact factor Abhishek Tiwari did some analysis on the number of citations that PLoS ONE is getting so far usi ng Scopus database. We had a small discussion over the numbers on FriendFeed and I ended up looking at different set of values also from ...
PLOS ONE期刊发表影响因子AgriculturalSciencesinChinaimpactfactor文章送给23个审稿人审阅,underreview说明已送审了,而waitforotherreview说明已有审稿人返回审稿的意见(reviewercomments),但还有审稿人未送回,要等待大家对PlosOne的影响因子如何预测?这个期刊的审稿政策决定了论文的平均水平不高。但同时他们还是发表了少数高...
Agricultural Sciences in China impact factor 文章送给2-3个审稿人审阅,under review说明已送审了,而wait for other review说明已有审稿人返回审稿的意见(reviewer comments),但还有审稿人未送回,要等待大家对Plos One的影响因子如何预测?这个期刊的审稿政策决定了论文的平均水平不高。但同时他们还是发表了少数高水平...
PLoS ONE has been given an laudable impact factor. Adding proportionately more non-paying and ...
one的IF权重。去年PLos one的IF实际计算值是3.48,实际出来还是4点多。所以,你们太悲观了。
PLoS ONE Impact Factor UPDATE: June 21, 2010: At last, PLoS ONE has now been given an impact factor of 4.351, which puts it into the 25th percentile of the “Biology” category. UPDATE: June 19, 2009: ISI will publish its latest stash of impact factors on the evening of the 19th. ...
PLoS ONE is an open access peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Public Library of Science (PLoS) since 2006. It covers primary research from any discipline within science and medicine. All submissions go through an internal and external pre-publication peer review but are not excluded...