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BEIJING, May 16 (Xinhua) -- "To spur people's innovation and creativity, the best way is to come into contact with different civilizations, see the strengths of others and draw upon them," Chinese President Xi Jinping has said, highlighting the importance of exchanges and mutual learning amo...
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央视网消息:最近,江苏省如皋市的法院法官在网上发布了一位大姐还债的现场照片,引来网友高达337.2万的点赞,评论数也超过10万条。这位大姐名叫施健银,今年54岁,她因何欠下债务被人起诉到法院,她又是如何完成自己还债承诺的呢? 这就是施健银在网上被广为转载的还债照片,今年1月7日,她主动到如皋法院,当着执行法官...
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