SOLIDWORKS provides powerful 2D and 3D CAD tools that help Design Engineers bring cutting edge innovations to global markets.
GoEngineer has helped 1000’s of customers take advantage of the process, control, collaboration, and risk mitigation that SOLIDWORKS PDM delivers to their engineering group. REQUEST SOLIDWORKS PDM IMPLEMENTATION SOLIDWORKS Manage Implement Tools With Multi-Faceted Processes Using SOLIDWORKS Manage SO...
产品图纸:3D模型/2D图纸,包括PRO/E、Catia、Solidworks、Pro/E等多种CAD生成的装配模型、零件图、原理图等 设计技术文档:设计方案、计算说明书、关重件明细表、文件目录等等 工艺设计:工艺技术文件和/或结构化工艺对象(如装配/焊接/涂装/机加工艺过程、关键工序及其使用工装设备等) 试验、仿真数据 物料:包括产品类...
SOLIDWORKS Desktop :accélérez l’innovation et chaque étape du processus de développement de votre produit. 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS :offrez à vos équipes de conception et d’ingénierie une modélisation paramétrique, un rendu photo, une simulation structurelle. ...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook PdM (redirected fromPLM) Also found in:Medical,Acronyms,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. PdM abbr. LatinPedagogiae Magister (Master of Pedagogy) American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright...
Why SpiritPLM Solutions? Understand in details customer requirement and provide end to end solutions Handy collaboration with our partners and customers Read More We are Different We are a Consistent SIEMENS Partner: – Our resilient successful partnership with SIEMENS, the digital PLM Company gives ac...
ENOVIA for SOLIDWORKS Connector Maintain your current PDM practices with ENOVIA Keep the look and feel of PDM with the benefits of PLM with the ENOVIA SolidWorks connector. Developed by the same team that created ePDM, the ENOVIA SolidWorks connector preserves the value of PDM by providing data ...
支持常见格式文档转换为PDF,包括格式dwg、doc/docx、xls/xlsx、drw(Creo)、slddrw(Solidworks),管理员可根据应用场景,选择转换时机:归档、下发;转换后的PDF文件不占用额外的文档编码,作为源文件的影子文件存在于FTP服务器 SPS服务号绑定微信 用友为确保客户购买的许可软件正常使用和持续改进,而提供的基于标准产品的支持...
产品生命周期管理(Product Lifecycle Management,以下简称PLM)作为一个理论是20世纪80年代初期提出并逐步发展起来的,目的是为解决大量工程图纸、技术文档以及CAD文件的计算机管理问题,然后逐渐扩展到产品开发过程中的三个主要领域:设计图纸和电子文档的管理,材料明细表的管理及与工程文档的集成,工程变更请求/指令的跟踪与管理...
关键词(Keywords)104个字符 (一般不超过100字符):SOLIDWORKS,SOLIDWORKS代理商,SOLIDWORKS多少钱,SOLIDWORKS价格,SOLIDWORKS正版,SOLIDWORKS经销商 简介(Description)409个字符 (一般不超过200字符):新思诺软件是提供基于3D的设计工具和产品生命周期管理(PLM)解决方案的咨询服务商,是美国达索和Stratasys公司核心代理商,提供具有...