Pliny the Younger inherited the estate of his uncle.After a spell as an advocate Pliny became a successful politician. After serving as tribune in AD 91 and praetor in AD 93, Emperor Trajan appointed him Governor of Bithynia. Pliny was a great letter writer and corresponded with historians ...
Digital Scholarship in the HumanitiesTuccinardi, Enrico. "An Application of a Profile-Based Method for Authorship Verification: Investigating the Authenticity of Pliny the Younger's Letter to Trajan Concerning the Christians." Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 32, no. 2 (June 2017): 435-47....
Define Pliny the Younger. Pliny the Younger synonyms, Pliny the Younger pronunciation, Pliny the Younger translation, English dictionary definition of Pliny the Younger. Noun 1. Pliny the Younger - Roman writer and nephew of Pliny the Elder; author of bo
Pliny the Younger wrote a letter to the emperor in order to find out how to handle the superstition held by Christians. Some Contemporary Texts Go to theChronological Listof all Early Christian Writings Pleasebuy the CDto support the site, view it without ads, and get bonus stuff!
There is, of course, one letter to Trajan which has achieved world-wide fame, that in which he asks the Emperor how he wishes him to deal with the Christians who were brought before him and refused to worship the statues of the Emperor and the gods. So much has been written upon this...
some twenty-seven years later, it was the Younger Pliny who wrote a graphic account of the last hours of his uncle, in a letter addressed to the historian Tacitus (vi. 16). By his will the Elder Pliny had made his nephew his adopted son, and the latter now assumed thenomenandpraenome...
The bones were collected together and publicly buried, and the ghost, having been appeased by the proper ceremonies, haunted the house no more.And that is an ancient ghost story, from the time of Rome under the emperor, Trajan. It was written by Pliny the Younger. I hope you found it ...
Pliny was formally named Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus (61 CE to 113 CE). He served as a military tribune in Syria, was a member of the Senate, and became imperial governor of Bithynia. Pliny was a prolific letter writer, a lawyer, author and magistrate. His panegyric on Trajan (...
The letter-writing Pliny the Younger was stationed about 18 mi. away, in Misenum, from which vantage point he could see the eruption and feel the precedingearthquakes. His uncle, the naturalist Pliny the Elder, was in charge of area warships, but he turned his fleet to rescuing residents ...
notnecessarily the selfsame day of the week, unless it was the Sabbath, which possiblyPliny prefers not to mention to avoid placing Christians in a worse light by associatingthem with Jews would have encouraged the emperor to take harsher measures, the very thing Pliny's letter wished to ...