Finally, check out the Wiki, you'll find new and exciting ways to truly unlock the potential of your libraries. Step-by-Step Guides If you're a beginner to the concepts of Python, Git and/or Kometa and find the above steps challenging, don't worry. We've got some step-by-step guid...
Finally, check out theWiki, you'll find new and exciting ways to truly unlock the potential of your libraries. Step-by-Step Guides If you're a beginner to the concepts of Python, Git and/or Kometa and find the above steps challenging, don't worry. We've got some step-by-step guides...
Association of College and Research Libraries. A division of the American Library Association (ALA). ACRONYM A Contrived Reduction Of Nouns, Yielding Mnemonics. See also notarikon. Acronyms are a vast topic and a good jumping-off point for everything, so anything I said about them here...
Look: I'm willing to compromise in the interest of letting sleeping dogs lie. You never heard me complain that the word, misspelled as it is, is mispronounced in some sort of church-Latin way (``sink-oh-na,'' or some such). There's a new hotel in that town, named Hotel Condesa...
To add insult to injury, the library's naming style does not distinguish types from values.For these resaons and others, KJ aims to be a replacement for the C++ standard libraries.It is not there yet. As of this writing, the biggest missing piece is that KJ provides no implementation of...
Finally, check out the Wiki, you'll find new and exciting ways to truly unlock the potential of your libraries. Step-by-Step Guides If you're a beginner to the concepts of Python, Git and/or Kometa and find the above steps challenging, don't worry. We've got some step-by-step guid...