docker run -d --name plexconnect \ --volume /opt/plexconnect:/opt/plexconnect \ -p53:53/udp -p80:80 -p443:443 \ -e PLEXCONNECT_ENABLE_PLEXGDM=False \ -e PLEXCONNECT_IP_PMS= \ -e PLEXCONNECT_ENABLE_PLEXCONNECT_AUTODETECT_OUTSIDE=False \ -e PLEXCONNECT_IP_OUTSIDE=192.168...
docker run -d \--name=emby \-e PUID=0 \-e PGID=0 \-e TZ=Aisa/Shanghai \-p 8096:8096 \-p 8920:8920 \-v /share/Container/plex/config:/config \-v /share/media:/data/media \-v /share/dapian:/data/dapian \--device /dev/dri:/dev/dri \--restart unless-stopped \ghcr...
Hello, I am trying to Passthrough my Intel UHD 630 iGPU to an Ubuntu 22.04 VM and configure Plex to use iGPU Hardware transcoding with a Docker container...
其实威联通的 Container Station 也是 docker 的管理界面,已经做的不错了,但是唯独安装好容器后不好修改之前配置的文件夹等参数,如果只用 ssh 敲命令的方式也可以解决,不过还是建议安装上 Portainer 图形界面来统一管理 dokcer,出现问题调试也比较方便,安装命令如下。 docker run -d -p 9000:9000 --restart=always ...
PlexGuide is a comprehensive Docker container management solution designed for Ubuntu & Debian OS. While it specializes in deploying media server applications like Plex, the platform incorporates Traefik as a reverse proxy and offers CloudFlare tunnel integration to access to your containerized services....
docker-compose.yml 文件来创建 plex 服务器容器。 services: plex: image: plexinc/pms-docker container_name: famedia-plex networks: - teamware-fam ports: - 32400:32400/tcp environment: - TZ=Africa/Cairo - VERSION=docker # You can get the claim from #- PLEX_CL...
PlexGuide is a comprehensive Docker container management solution designed for Ubuntu & Debian OS. While it specializes in deploying media server applications like Plex, the platform incorporates Traefik as a reverse proxy and offers CloudFlare tunnel integration to access to your containerized services....
New to Docker Containers with Home Servers Why should I run my services, like Plex, Deluge, NextCloud, PhotoPrism, etc... in a Docker Container for a Home Server? I've always just install directly with the package manager like apt and pacman. Thanks!
If you are starting the Plex container for the first time and cannot claim your server to set it up there are 3 methods you can try to resolve the issue: 1. Set the PLEX_CLAIM variable¶ dockerstopplexdockerrmplex # removes the config folder for plex# !WARNING! do NOT do this if ...
docker 安装 Plex 首先在 QTS 系统内打开 ContainerStation,在创建页面搜索plex,可以看到最多标星的有 plexinc 和 linuxserver,这链各个版本其实都可以,因为有许多人会遇到奇怪的问题,换个其他人的版本安装就好了,所以不必纠结哪个版本最好,能成功运行最好。而威联通的 ContainerStation 还有一个好处是点击镜像的名称...