首先,确保您的 Docker 配置支持 NVIDIA GPU。在此情况下,查询您 NVIDIA 驱动和 Docker 版本是否兼容。 接下来,您可以使用以下示例启动 Plex 媒体服务器: dockerrun-d\--name=plex\--runtime=nvidia\-ePUID=1000\-ePGID=1000\-eVERSION=docker\-eNVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all\-p32400:32400\-v/path/to/plex/...
As explained above, passing/dev/drifrom the Docker host to the container makes the GPU available for the Plex media server docker container to use. In addition, hardware transcoding must be enabled in Plex transcoder settings as shown below. Plex Hardware Transcoding On Docker Unfortunately, unlike...
If using Plex Media Server on Unraid with Docker and you wish to use NVIDIA hardware transcoding and tone mapping, you will need to be running Unraid OS version 6.9.0 beta 35 or newer, and have the NVIDIA GPU configured for your Plex Docker container.Plex Media Servers using Intel Coffee ...
I am not sure how to proceed from here as it does look like the iGPU is passed through from the ProxMox host to the Ubuntu 22.04 VM but Plex within a docker container on the Ubuntu 22.04 VM does not use the iGPU for transcoding. ...
Hello everyone, I currently have a basic homelab comprising of a low end NUC machine running homeassistant and a synology NAS that serves double duty of data warehousing and also hosting a bunch of other services I use via docker. This includes things like Pi-hole, portainer, *arr stack, ...
TrueNas Scale将底层系统从FreeBSD更换为Debian,顺理成章的引入了docker的支持。经过以下的配置,将能够实现TrueScale下docker中Plex容器的显卡硬件加速。此文章基于21.02-ALPHA – Updated 2/16/2021版本,配置…
Hardware Transcoding¶ If you would like to have Plex use a GPU that is attached to your DockSTARTer host, you can do this using anoverridelike so: plex:devices:-/dev/dri:/dev/dri Refer to this forum post for details:Using Hardware Acceleration in Docker ...
Docker creation /usr/bin/podman run \ --rm \ -d \ --replace \ --name=plex \ --stop-timeout 90 \ --ulimit=nofile=65536:65536 \ --hooks-dir=/usr/share/containers/oci/hooks.d/ \ --device=/dev/dri:/dev/dri \ --device nvidia.com/gpu=all \ -e PUID=1000 \ -e PGID=1000 ...
In the example above, the--device=/dev/dri:/dev/driwas added to thedocker runcommand to pass through the kernel device. Once the Plex Media Server container is running, the following steps will turn on the Hardware Transcoding option: ...
Docker host addresses were published unnecessarily (#9576) IP addresses from interfacing starting with a “v” weren’t published (#9576) Sync or Optimize could fail to fallback to software transcoding if hardware transcoding failed (#9455) Changes...