curl -l$(docker-compose version --short)/contrib/completion/bash/docker-compose -o /etc/bash_completion.d/docker-compose 1. 这样,在重新登录后,输入 docker-compose并按下Tab键,compose就可自动补全命令了。 Docker Compose 快速入门 基本步骤 使用Docker...
一、前提条件以下所有操作会使用docker-compose来进行服务编排,前提需要安装Docker 二、安装Docker Compose下载最新稳定版的Docker Compose[xiaokang@hadoop ~]$ sudo curl -L " docker centos hadoop zookeeper github dockercompose搭建Kafa...
$ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 62fc3ff1f1a0 linuxserver/plex:latest "/init" 38 seconds ago Up 3 seconds plex Navigate to http://localhost:32400/web in your web browser to access the plex web interface. Stop the containers with $ docker compose down #...
为了实现这一点,当docker for windows运行一个linux容器时,它必须设置一个hyper-v机器。如果打开Hyper-...
Breadcrumbs plex_chinachu / docker-compose.yml Latest commit blacknon update 630da7d· Oct 11, 2020 HistoryHistory File metadata and controls Code Blame executable file· 70 lines (63 loc) · 1.96 KB Raw version: '2' services: # samba smb: build: ./samba container_name: samba ports: -...
1. Preparing to Setup Plex Using Docker If you already have docker and docker-compose installed, and have setup your.envfile then skip toDocker Compose for Plex Media Serversection below. Requirements First, let us start with some requirements. I won't go into a lot of details as these ha...
HTPC Docker Standup PSA :项目已移至 。 此仓库将作为镜像保留在Github上。 这是一个简单的由docker-compose组成的配置,用于站立新HTPC。 它基于在Ubuntu服务器上运行,但是可以很容易地适用于支持Docker的其他操作系统。 它包括以下服务 用于管理媒体并向Plex客户端提供文件 +或用于下载种子...“安全” 电视连续剧...
docker create -v <volume.nam… Let’s say I have an external Drive at /media/usb1 How do I mount this for a container to use in Docker Compose? Any help is appreciated. 6.5k views 2 links albundy33 Jan 8 you can use bind-mounts. my trimmed docker-compose.yml ...
runs Plex Media Server in some form (e.g. standalone app, docker, container, etc.) Plex server (lowercase "s") is the device/hardware, but Plex Server (uppercase "S") is short for Plex Media Server—a software app. [Read:Plex Docker Compose: KICKASS Media Server with HW Transcoding...
Update docker-compose.yml 6年前 .gitignore #64 create compose for aria-ui with plex😜 6年前 Breaking change: use latest aria2 docker image to build nextcloud one 5年前 Update 5年前 ...